Teachers and students of our school deeply study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech during the inspection of the National People's Congress - Beijing Jiaotong University News Network
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Time: May 7, 2022 Source: Publicity Department Author: Hao Mengqian

Teachers and students of our school deeply study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech during the inspection of the National People's Congress

On April 25, 2022, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Renmin University of China and delivered an important speech. In accordance with the requirements of the relevant notice from the higher authorities and the spirit of the meeting, the Party Committee of the University issued the Notice on Deeply Studying and Implementing the Spirit of the Important Speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping during his Investigation in Renmin University of China, which quickly aroused a learning craze and aroused a warm response among all teachers and students of the University.

Timely learn and deploy, take the lead in leading the demonstration

On the morning of April 28, Huang Taiyan, Secretary of the Party Committee, presided over a learning meeting of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and the Theoretical Center Group of the Party Committee to timely learn and understand the spirit of the important speech made by General Secretary Xi Jinping during his inspection at Renmin University of China. At the meeting, Sun Shouguang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice President, Guo Hai, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, and Yan Xuedong, Vice President, respectively made special speeches around the theme of talent introduction and evaluation, strengthening the construction of ideological and political courses, building a "big ideological and political courses" educational pattern, and improving the reform of the moral cultivation mechanism. Wei Wei, secretary of the Youth League Committee of the University, Zhao Guanyuan, director of the Human Resources Department and head of the Ministry of Education and Work, and Shi Xianliang, director of the Social Sciences Department, based on business areas such as strengthening the ideological guidance of young students, strengthening the construction of teachers, and promoting the high-quality development of philosophy and social sciences, talked about learning gains and experiences, and clarified the implementation ideas and directions. The meeting stressed that it is necessary to adhere to the principle of learning deeply and thoroughly, guide learning further, organically combine the spirit of learning important speeches with General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statements on higher education, ideological and political course construction, philosophy and social science construction, youth work, and promote the normalization and long-term effectiveness of Party history learning and education, so as to achieve a comprehensive and systematic grasp, Promote the development of various undertakings of the school. We should adhere to the strategy of strengthening the school with talents, strengthen the construction of teachers' ethics and work hard to cultivate good teachers who integrate "classics and teachers" with "people and teachers". We should adhere to the Party's overall leadership over school work, take root in China to run universities, give play to our own advantages, draw on the wisdom of the world, contribute to the construction of China's independent knowledge system, and accelerate the construction of world-class universities with distinctive characteristics.

focusing Key areas, Strengthen research and interpretation

On April 29, the university organized experts and scholars to hold a seminar on learning and implementing the spirit of the important speech made by General Secretary Xi Jinping during his inspection at Renmin University of China and implementing the Development Plan of Philosophy and Social Sciences during the National 14th Five Year Plan Period. More than 20 experts and teachers, including the Youth League Committee, the Ministry of Science and Engineering, the Social Sciences Division, the Language Institute, the Law Institute, and the Marxism Institute, focused on the important contents of running the ideological and political course, which is a key course for moral cultivation, and accelerating the construction of philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics, for discussion and exchange. Guo Hai pointed out that we should systematically learn the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and deeply understand the essence of the spirit; We should make efforts to contribute to the prosperity of philosophy and social sciences, live up to the expectations of the General Secretary for philosophy and social sciences workers, work hard in academic research, team building, learning style building, student training and other aspects, and support high-quality talent training with high-quality discipline construction. Lan Xiaoxia, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and head of the Propaganda Department, proposed that ideological and political teachers should adhere to the combination of teaching and research, the combination of story telling and truth telling, deeply dig into the spiritual treasure rich in the centennial history of the Party, and make the ideological and political lesson profound, thorough and vivid. We should enhance the sense of responsibility for accelerating the construction of philosophy and social science with Chinese characteristics, and do a good job in the research, publicity and interpretation of the Party's innovative theory.

Focus on educating people accurately opportunity, strengthen Ideological guidance

On the morning of April 29, the Youth League Committee of the university organized a symposium for Communist Youth League cadres to learn the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech. Wei Wei conveyed the relevant learning requirements of the School Party Committee and the Municipal Youth League Committee, encouraged young students to keep in mind the ardent advice and expectations of General Secretary Xi Jinping, determined to live up to Shaohua, the times, and the people, and to work hard to run on the track of youth and strive to achieve the best results of young people in contemporary Jiaotong University. The Ministry of Science and Engineering issued a proposal for young students to learn the spirit of important speeches, calling on all students to learn the spirit of speech and build a solid ideological foundation; Continuously maintain the spirit and blood, and cultivate excellent skills; Keep in mind the "big country" and strive to take the responsibility. Everyone expressed that we should keep in mind the mandate, base ourselves on the new era and new journey, inherit the red gene, and forge ahead to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Liu Fei, a 2018 undergraduate majoring in communication engineering at the School of Telecommunications, said, "As a Jiaotong University, I will be based on the moment, correct my learning attitude, work hard to learn professional knowledge, and apply what I have learned to practice. I will continue to struggle in the future development of communication technology such as 6G, and contribute my own strength to the country's building of an information power!" Deng Qingyin, a 2021 undergraduate in the pilot class of Zhan Tianyou College, said, "The words of General Secretary Xi Jinping's speech during his inspection at Renmin University are still in my ears. I deeply realize that the baton of the times has been handed over to our young generation. Only by taking youth as the oar and dreams as the sail can we live up to the people and the country".

Enrich learning forms and set off a learning boom

All secondary Party organizations responded quickly to promote the study and implementation of the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech to take root and see actual results. The Party committees of secondary colleges such as Civil Engineering College, Physics College, Marxism College, Architectural Arts College, Law School and so on organized theoretical learning, and the participants talked about their feelings and experiences in combination with the actual work, so that they could really think, understand and gain from learning. The School of Economics and Management and Weihai Campus organized counselors to carry out thematic learning for group discussion, and encouraged the counselors of this research institute to strive to be "preachers and dispellers" proficient in professional knowledge and virtue. The Transport College and the Language College, centering on the spirit of important speeches, carried out theme party day activities, organized branch party members to study and exchange together, encouraged students to cherish college time, remember the school motto of "knowing and doing", and strive to be a new person of the times worthy of the important task of national rejuvenation. The Propaganda Department timely compiles and prints the Propaganda Newsletter of the spirit of the important speech to provide reference for the theoretical learning of all teachers and students in the school. The Social Sciences Division focuses on promoting the high-quality development of philosophy and social sciences in the school, and carries out online and offline learning seminars according to the plan of "individual self-study+collective learning".

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