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information safety

Corporate or personal information security

We will take appropriate steps to protect your company's or your personal privacy. (Your company or your individual, the following content will be collectively referred to as "you".) When you provide us with information involving security or privacy (security or privacy, the following content will be collectively referred to as "privacy"), we will take appropriate procedures to protect you, and will store the stored personal information safely and reasonably. Unless in accordance with laws or mandatory regulations of the government, we will not provide any of your personal information to unrelated third parties (including companies or individuals) without your permission. However, if you require us to provide specific customer support services or deliver some items to you, we need to provide your name and address to a third party, such as a courier company. Please know in advance.

Privacy principle

Since your privacy is very important to us, Shanghai Changwei, who publishes this privacy statement, will manage the information related to privacy according to the following four principles.

Principle 1

Whenever Shanghai Changwei's website needs to identify you or contact you, it will explicitly ask for the required information, that is, personal data. Generally speaking, when you register on the website, ask for special services, or participate in promotional activities, you may be asked about this information. If possible, Shanghai Changwei will use some methods to confirm the correctness and timeliness of your personal data.

Principle 2

If Shanghai Changwei's website wants to use personal data for secondary purposes, it will provide instructions on how to refuse this service. You can terminate the sending of these letters according to the instructions on the materials or promotional letters sent to you.

Principle 3

Shanghai Changwei's website may disclose personal data due to legal requirements, or be convinced in good faith that such practices are necessary for the following:
(1) Comply with legal notices or legal procedures applicable to Shanghai Changwei Site;
(2) Protect the rights or property of users of the website of Shanghai Changwei;
(3) In case of emergency, in order to protect the personal or public safety of Shanghai Changwei's website and its users.

Principle 4

If at any time you think that Shanghai Changwei's website does not comply with these principles, please inform us by email business # (if you need to use this email, please replace "#" with "@"), and we will do everything we can to improve this problem immediately within a reasonable and appropriate range.