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Chinese Navy's fleet ends its visit to Cambodia

May 24, 2024 09:47 | Source: China Military Network
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On May 23, the 83 ship fleet of the Navy, which was carrying out an internship visit to the high seas, successfully completed a four-day friendly visit to Cambodia and left for East Timor.

At about 10 am that day, Cambodia held a grand farewell ceremony at the Sihanouk Port wharf. More than 300 people, including Chinese military attache in Cambodia, representatives of Chinese funded institutions and overseas Chinese, as well as representatives of the Cambodian military, went to the dock to see them off.

It is reported that during the visit to Cambodia, the formation officers and soldiers visited Cambodian military facilities, and carried out discussions and exchanges, friendly ball games and other activities with representatives of Cambodian naval academies. On the evening of May 21, the formation Qi Jiguang also held a deck reception, which was attended by more than 200 people from China and Cambodia. (Song Zixun, Zhou Zhou)

(Editor in charge: Chen Yu, Liu Yuanyuan)

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