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A detachment of the First Mobile Corps of the Armed Police Force: layered group training to improve training quality and efficiency

08:36, May 22, 2024 | Source: pla daily
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In early summer, the training ground of a detachment of the First Mobile Corps of the Armed Police Force was filled with gunpowder, and a comprehensive multi course training kicked off.

At the training site, Staff Sgt. Zhang Shijie, Class II, completed the anti vertigo training, and then turned to the training of close combat and other courses. He responded flexibly and won praise from his comrades in arms. Zhang Shijie told the reporter: "Thanks to the hierarchical training mode implemented by the detachment, I have constantly broken through the training bottleneck and improved my training performance significantly."

"In recent years, with the in-depth promotion of combat training, the number of training courses has increased significantly. How to scientifically grasp the teaching progress and refine the group training standards has become an important topic." The leaders of the detachment introduced that since the new year's training, they have broken the traditional group training mode, followed the principle of gradual progress, differentiated levels based on personal achievements, and scientifically formulated training plans, Ensure comprehensive general training for novices, intensive training for veteran upgrading, and strong training for weak points.

Reporters saw at the training ground of the detachment that Private Zhou Yong, under the guidance of coaches, trained on throttle control, speed driving, etc., focusing on the basic essentials of driving; Corporal Wang Shuaiyu grasped the essentials of action quickly and entered the next stage of training ahead of time... "According to the new group training mode, officers and soldiers with low performance will find out and fill in the gaps in a targeted way, and those with solid foundation will carry out advanced ability training." The leader of the detachment introduced.

Layered group training improves training quality and efficiency. Recently, the detachment has organized a coherent assessment of multiple courses, and the outstanding rate of officers and soldiers has significantly improved. (Liu Min, Lan Weidong)

(Editor in charge: Chen Yu, Liu Yuanyuan)

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