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Air Force Military Medical University: Application of teaching and scientific research achievements in medical service training

May 21, 2024 08:48 | Source: pla daily
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"Upon receiving the notice from the superior, three comrades on my mission outside were injured and infected, so please go out for search, rescue and transportation immediately." In early May, the Air Force Military Medical University organized teaching and training on battlefield wounded rescue. The rescue team composed of teachers and students of the school focused on battlefield rescue, air evacuation, shelter isolation and transportation and other courses. During this period, they applied the latest scientific research results to training, which not only provided service guarantee for military training and war preparation, but also tested the quality and effectiveness of the results with practice.

"In this training, we focused on the needs of the army and applied the teaching and scientific research achievements to the medical service support, which not only tempered the students' professional skills, but also accumulated first-hand information for improving and improving the quality of scientific research." The school leader said that they highlighted biological safety protection, air transport evacuation nursing and other skills in the training, simulated the battlefield environment, and refined the scenario content, Specially apply the developed isolation, transportation, rescue shelter and other equipment to relevant links.

Participants carried out emergency search and rescue in the smoke filled jungle; Next to the fighter with the propeller rotating at high speed, the airlift evacuation was launched at high speed; In the isolation, transfer and rescue shelter, the medical staff worked in a tight, orderly and meticulous manner... After the training, the participants carried out a review and discussion in combination with the task process. We carefully sorted out the existing problems, actively made suggestions, and formulated improvement measures to provide reference for the next step of classroom teaching and research.

"The isolation, transportation and rescue shelter used in this training has strong aviation adaptability, and can complete the intelligent communication of land, sea and air." The school leaders said that, in the next step, they will optimize and improve the teaching and training program on the basis of summing up experience, and improve the students' ability by carrying out mass training contests, post skill competitions, etc, And try to organize rescue training jointly with grass-roots units to continuously improve the quality of talent training. (Li Miao and Li Yang)

(Editor in charge: Chen Yu, Tang and Song Dynasties)

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