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A brigade of the 76th Group Army organized flight training according to actual combat requirements

09:00, May 20, 2024 | Source: pla daily
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The fighter planes continued to fly to the target airspace. Photographed by Wang Pengfei

In the early summer afternoon, several helicopters lined up on the runway of an airport in northwest China. With the command of the commander, the fighter planes continued to fly into the target airspace... The flight training organized by a brigade of the 76th Group Army in close contact with the actual combat requirements began.

"A suspected 'enemy' air defense group was found at 9 o'clock and 10 kilometers away!" After receiving the "enemy situation" notification, the captain of the aircraft, Li Xiaoqiang, commanded his wingman to go forward for reconnaissance. Upon receiving the command, the pilot Bai Tianhui immediately lowered the altitude, concealed the flight, and launched search and reconnaissance on the "enemy" position.

"Find the target!" After receiving the message from the front, Li Xiaoqiang quickly demarcated the target position and decisively directed the helicopter group to change the flight direction.

One wave is not flat, another is rising. "The communication network was interrupted due to the interference of" enemy "!" As soon as the aircraft group flew to a strange airspace, they received a new notification of the situation. They started the standby route to avoid the interference of the opponent and switched to the standby frequency for communication.

Unexpectedly, soon after the recovery of communication, the rapid alarm sounded: "Enemy tracking!" The crew resolutely implemented radio silence, and took the way of ultra low altitude concealed penetration to avoid "enemy" radar search.

In the face of a series of special circumstances, officers and soldiers calmly and flexibly responded. The aircraft group flew smoothly and soon approached the target airspace. At this time, Li Xiaoqiang piloted the aircraft to jump up quickly and adjust the flight attitude. Each aircraft followed up and maneuvered for cover at the same time. After occupying the best attack position, the attack formation quickly locks the target and carries out simulated attack.

"Opponents will not launch attacks until we are ready. Training is carried out at ordinary times. Only by focusing on improving the ability to fight in the full time domain can we win the first chance in the future battlefield." Leaders of the brigade said that during this training, they were integrated into the combat background, set the special situation as a chain bureau, and organically combine the courses of air reconnaissance, low altitude penetration, formation flying, etc, It not only effectively tested the technical and tactical level of pilots and their ability to deal with special cases, but also further refined the army's full time domain combat capability.

At night, the pilot flew off again. Hover, jump, dive... In the night ground assault course training, pilot Liu Zhanli manipulated the fighter to complete a number of high-quality tactical actions.

"The night training has limited sight distance and few ground references, which not only puts forward higher requirements for the technical and tactical level of the crew, but also requires close coordination to complete a series of operations." The tower commander told reporters that they had organized the crew to participate in simulation training and cockpit practice for many times before, and according to the "night flight, instructor training, personal operation" In this way, intensive training is carried out one by one, laying a solid foundation for night flight training.

At midnight, Liu Zhanli constantly adjusted his flying posture under the guidance of the ground guide, and the fighter stopped steadily in the designated area. The fighter planes returned one after another, and the pilots who stepped off the fighter plane came to the tactical seminar room to conduct a review discussion on the technical and tactical actions, coordination opportunities and other contents. It is reported that, in the next step, on the basis of review and summary, they will organize and strengthen the key and difficult subjects to focus on and refine, and constantly improve the ability of the troops to win. (Ma Zhen, Li Xiaoxiao)

(Editor in charge: Chen Yu, Tang and Song Dynasties)

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