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Deep sea witness: the glory and dream of submarine soldiers

08:58, April 23, 2024 | Source: pla daily
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"We study together and catch up together. Sometimes we think we are cute"

Compared with winter, the sea in spring is less cold and more gentle. Walking in a military port, the sea waves are slow, reflecting the blue sky, and the sea breeze is mixed with the breath and temperature of spring.

The coastline connects the land and the sea. The shore is sunny and full of vitality, while the sea is dark and mysterious, with many unknowns hidden.

Submarines connect two different worlds.

At the dock of a submarine detachment of the Navy in the northern war zone, the reporter boarded a certain type of submarine.

Its huge body lies in ambush, like a gentle "giant whale". The reporter carefully climbed onto its "back" and entered the submarine from the round elevator less than one meter in diameter, as if entering the chamber filled with organs of a giant whale.

There are thousands of instruments and equipment, thousands of pipelines and tens of thousands of valves in the boat. Submarine soldiers work and live in the gaps of these equipment and pipelines.

Captain Lv's battle position is only 0.5 square meters. He is used to standing and commanding at ordinary times.

A few days before our visit, we never saw Captain Lv. He was always busy until one or two in the morning. Every time he replied to reporters late at night, he said, "Sorry, I'm in a meeting", "Sorry, we're writing a plan"

When the sailors talked about Captain Lv, they said: "Our captain never slept before 12 o'clock at night."

"Striving for the first-class submarine force, there are too many things to do and I can't sleep." Captain Lv speaks sincerely and plainly, and his voice often shows a sense of urgency.

"We study together and catch up together. Sometimes we think we are very cute." Whenever he and his comrades in arms come up with new tactics, they immediately think about writing down the implementation plan on the big screen, and then verify it in a practical environment.

In recent years, Captain Lv has led and completed innovative research on many practical topics, and these innovative tactics and training methods have been tested in practice in combat training tasks.

Just before the reporter's visit, he was on a business trip in a new combat force.

Captain Lv is well aware that the future sea war is a system war. Through the information interconnection, submarines can make up for the lack of sight distance and other shortcomings. In order to get through the link, he went to several brother arms to learn and exchange, explore new ways of information fusion and mutual guidance, and improve the submarine's combat capability under the information condition.

Although he has graduated for more than 10 years, the teaching materials of underwater acoustics in college have been on his desk. Along with the teaching materials, there is a thick implementation plan for submarine training assessment.

In the submarine force, passing the full training marks that a team of sailors has formed combat effectiveness and obtained a "pass" to the battlefield.

If the captain wants to take the boat to sea independently, the full training assessment must be "stripped". In the month of preparing for the war assessment, Captain Lv lost 10 kg.

"The application of tactics, the use of weapons, emergency disposal, training organization, ship management... the full training assessment is a comprehensive inspection of the whole ship and myself."

Next to Captain Lv's dormitory, there is a miniature simulated battle command room. The dormitory building has a "war room" as a major feature of the crew.

Captain Lu and his crew gathered here to form a combat group. They simulate a number of situations that may be encountered after going to sea, cooperate with teammates again and again, and improve the tacit understanding and speed of cooperation.

Captain Lv said: "When you try to run, you should always look back to see if everyone has followed you and lead them to sprint together."

As the reporter's interview drew to a close, Captain Lv and his comrades in arms had completed preparations for another voyage.

In April, Captain Lv and all the sailors passed the full training assessment.

Spring is the season when everything grows. This spring, the crew got the deep-sea "pass", which is their cultivation and growth.

"Under water, I am you, you are me, and joint efforts are endurance"

The more qualified sailors in full training, the larger the scale of submarine combat forces that can be put into the battlefield.

At the review meeting, Political Commissar Zhang of the crew expressed his joy and hid his eyes behind his glasses with a smile.

"Under water, I am you, you are me, and the joint effort is the endurance." Political Commissar Zhang praised all the sailors. "A hundred people hold a gun together", relying on the cooperation of the team.

After the meeting, Corporal Hu Shuang, who was in a good mood, improvised a popular "airbrush" on the Internet - holding the pen in both hands, the pen holder and wrist quickly alternately hit the table, sending out a rhythmic rhythm like a drum on a shelf.

Hu Shuang likes music and learned to play the violin as a child. But since he became a submarine soldier, he gradually gave up this hobby.

Concealment is the life support of submarines. Although a piece of music may not expose submarines, keeping quiet has long been a habit engraved in the bones of submarines.

Now, when Hu Shuang is not worth more, he likes to look through the photos of his girlfriend on the tablet. In order to take photos of his girlfriend, he even learned photography.

"There is no network in the sea, so the photo turns over to the last one, and then turns over to see it again." He told the reporter with a smile.

On duty 24 hours a day, they should not only monitor the sound outside the boat, but also keep an eye on the self noise inside the boat.

Light waves, electromagnetic waves and so on are "hard to move" in the water, but sound waves can spread over long distances. Deep sea diving, facing the blockades of anti submarine ships, anti submarine aircraft and underwater minefields, submarines rely on sound waves to identify external information.

Li Guangxi, a sonar technician, told the reporter that sonar is a scarce specialty. When it is allocated every year, the front-line combat forces have a high demand for sonar soldiers. But it is not easy to become an excellent sonar soldier.

Some people say that being a sonar soldier needs talent, but Li Guangxi doesn't think so: "In fact, there is no such thing as talent. It's all about working hard and practicing more."

When Li Guangxi was talking, his right index finger unconsciously drew a circle on the table, acting like a spherical mouse on the console. "Listening training is boring. The earphones are full of various noises, varying in length and frequency. Many people's ears roar after listening to them for a day." He paused for a moment and then said, "But when you can preempt in the task, you will feel very successful."

"In order to win, we must be ready at all times." Submarine soldiers seem to have a unique sense of crisis, and the temperament of "deep-sea assassins" makes them particularly pursue the leading edge. Li Guangxi told reporters: "Once the submarine is' captured ', it is very difficult for you to escape. When tit for tat, whoever is competent will take the initiative."

Li Guangxi found an abnormal target signal during a red and blue attack and defense training. Although the intensity was weak and the listening characteristics were not obvious, after analyzing the spectral characteristics, he judged that this was not an ordinary signal of merchant ships and fishing vessels.

While thinking quickly in his mind, he introduced the noise signal in the headset into the "Intelligent Sonar Soldier" training system. Through cross comparison, he quickly locked the answer - suspected the other submarine!

In the end, Li Guangxi's boat took the first chance to win.

The deep sea is the best classroom for submarines. During the sea going drill, every noise failed to escape the ears of the sonar soldiers. They grasped the clues and wrote the footnotes of "finding the enemy first, identifying the enemy first" in the deep ocean.

Political Commissar Zhang told reporters that in recent years, practical training has become a common practice in the army. Organize a pull training and confrontation drill, and the time from receiving an order to emergency sailing is getting shorter and shorter. "For submarine officers and soldiers, sailing is like a common meal, and everyone says, 'Go to the ocean to take a bath!'"

"When we were most happy, the thunderbolt was out of the tube, the navigation was normal, and the target was hit."

The head sergeant Wang Tongyan's hair was a little white, and looked like a thin layer of frost from afar. After 27 years of working on submarines, Wang Tongyan always thought of himself when he saw young new sailors.

When he was young, he came to a submarine unit of the navy with a military dream, expecting to take a submarine to see the mysterious and wonderful underwater scenery.

When he came to the dock and saw the huge thing in front of him, he found that this was not the case. "From a distance, the submarine looks like a big black fish lying on the water. When we got closer, we found that the submarine had no windows, just like an airtight iron can."

Wang Tongyan was assigned to the helm letter squad. He asked the monitor what the helm letter was, and the monitor told him that he was driving a submarine.

"It's hard to be a submarine soldier. When sailing in winter, submarines are sailing against the wind. When people stand on the bridge, a wave hits, and their clothes freeze instantly." This is the common memory of Wang Tongyan's generation of submarines.

Driving the submarine bravely into the deep sea, in the narrow space, Wang Tongyan felt more and more that it was not the feet but the heart that supported the submarine soldiers to go far.

But no matter how difficult the conditions are, Wang Tongyan has not forgotten his promise made in the 100 meter deep sea.

It was Wang Tongyan's first long voyage mission. As the submarine went down, he felt more and more important on his shoulders.

The depth of 100 meters is the first milestone in Wang Tongyan's submarine career. Since then, he has determined to spread his youth and blood in this deep ocean.

As a rudder signal technician, Wang Tongyan is mainly responsible for controlling the course and depth of the submarine and transmitting maritime communication signals.

Among the major tasks carried out in recent years, the rudder team led by Wang Tongyan successfully improved the accuracy of the submarine's variable depth maneuver from meters to decimeters, and the control accuracy of the submarine's trim angle from 1 degree to 0.1 degree.

He said that when you are a submarine soldier, you should be a dedicated person.

Under the magnificent sea, there are "underwater cliffs", turbulence and reefs lurking everywhere. Submarine navigation is always in crisis.

During a voyage, the submarine encountered the density change of sea water. Wang Tongyan immediately reported to the commander, and at the same time, he urgently pulled up the full rudder.

But just then, Wang Tongyan found that he could not stop. At the critical moment, Wang Tongyan started the standby plan and switched to the emergency mode, finally successfully handled the dangerous situation and ensured the safety of the whole boat.

Wang Tongyan often said: "Diving is fighting, and no mistakes are allowed."

Wang Tongyan will soon retire. In his home, there are more than 20 bottles of sea water. Every time he reached a certain waterline during his mission, he would take a bottle of sea water as a souvenir. These 20 bottles of sea water are full of his youth.

Chief Sergeant Jiang Aihua joined the army one year earlier than Wang Tongyan. Jiang Aihua experienced the upgrading of submarine equipment of the Chinese Navy after two changes of clothing.

Jiang Aihua described that the sound of submarine charging used to be as loud as thunder, which made people shiver.

After charging, the submarine will dive immediately to reduce the surface exposure time. At this time, the diesel engine just finished working has not yet dissipated heat, and the cabin is hot like a steamer. When the sailors sleep, the pillows are wet with sweat.

Jiang Aihua doesn't like the sound of chopping vegetables, because the cabin of the submarine he once served is next to the kitchen. When he heard the sound of "Dangdangdang" on the chopping board, he became more upset.

At that time, Jiang Aihua dreamed of new equipment. Fortunately, he caught up with the good times: "It's very quiet to charge now. The boat is equipped with an air conditioner, which can adjust the temperature. Each of us is equipped with a tablet computer, which can solve the loneliness of a long voyage."

A "sun lamp" is installed in the multi-function cabin of the submarine. When the light comes on, the sailors of Hugh Geng will sit around. In the submarine, feeling the warm "sunshine", the sailors' bodies were relaxed and their mood was uplifted.

Now the conditions on the boat have greatly improved, but Jiang Aihua is about to leave the army... He said: "For soldiers who shoulder the mission of winning, we don't need to envy what others enjoy. Only by stepping out of peaceful thinking, being in a cruel and difficult training environment, and tempering their fighting will and fighting quality, can we better adapt to the battlefield, develop excellent skills, and enhance their confidence in winning."

In Jiang Aihua's eyes, although the conditions are good now, the submarines in the new era are not coquetry. The troops are trained strictly, and they are honing the courage of young officers and soldiers.

First class Staff Sergeant Yao Shenshen prepared for a competition assessment, and trained for more than 12 hours a day for two consecutive months. In order to improve the loading speed of thunder bombs, the monitor pinched the stopwatch to time Yao Shenshen. He repeated single person single tube training for thousands of times. He said that to practice reaction ability is to practice speed.

That time, the submarine test fired a certain type of weapon, and the crew made the first hit.

Yao Shenshen said, "We are most happy when the thunderbolt is out of the tube, the navigation is normal, and the target is hit." (Peng Hongxia, Li Yiye, Han Jingyi, Mao Lin)

(Thanks for the strong support of Sui Yifan for the interview)

Figure ①: The poster of the promotional film "Hiding into the Deep Sea". Designers: Ma Xiaochen, Zheng Tongyue

Figure ②: People's Navy submarines ride whales across the sea.

Figure ③: The students of the Naval Submarine Academy march in line.

Pictures provided by the video production team

(Editor in charge: Tang Song, Ren Yilin)

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