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A regiment of joint service support force actively solves problems for veterans

Close service before leaving the team Follow up after leaving the team

09:33, January 16, 2024 | Source: China Military Network
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"It's monitor Liu, what can I do for you?" Recently, after receiving a call from veteran Liu Song, Deng Tianhao, a staff officer of an automobile regiment in the joint logistics support force, stopped his work immediately and asked about it.

Liu Song was an experienced driver of the group. After his discharge from the army last year, Liu Song bought a new car because of work needs. When he renewed his driver's license, he could not find his qualification information in the local vehicle management office, so he was very anxious.

After learning the story, Deng Tianhao actively coordinated with the superior units, traced the information handover situation of Liu Song when he was discharged from the army, and found the problem: Liu Song had obtained a military vehicle driver's license as early as 2016, but later the requirements for certification materials changed, leading to the return of information during the review. Deng Tianhao immediately contacted Liu Song's original unit to collect Liu Song's qualification certificate of that year, and soon re issued and uploaded the certification materials. A week later, Liu Song successfully renewed his driver's license.

"Veterans have dedicated their youth to the building of the army. Before they leave the army, we should find ways to solve their problems, and after they leave the army, we should also help them deal with their anxieties and anxieties in a timely manner." The leader of the regiment introduced that he was devoted to serving the officers and soldiers, and took the problem of veterans as his own, which is a tradition that the team has adhered to for many years.

The reporter learned that, in order to help the soon to be retired veterans understand the doubts and difficulties in laws and policies, help them calculate the economic accounts, clear up and add sub items, the regiment will hold a question and answer meeting for the retired veterans every year near the season of demobilization, organize all business departments of the organ to collect and summarize the list of questions in advance, and compile the process; Organize demonstration calculus and list of orders for the details of file bonus points, transfer of medical relations, financial salary payment and other matters that veterans care about, so as to ensure that veterans can understand them as soon as they see them; Open service hotlines for finance, organization, human resources and other departments, do a good job in communication and answering questions, and help veterans successfully handle various procedures.

Provide considerate service before leaving the team, and follow up after leaving the team. In recent years, they have solved many problems for veterans, such as driving license transfer, and handling occupational pension payment vouchers.

On one occasion, Hu Chen, the assistant of the regiment, received a call for help from two ex servicemen and learned that their occupational pension payment vouchers had been lost carelessly, which made it impossible to continue to pay. In order to help the veterans solve their problems as soon as possible, Hu Chen searched for relevant information in the warehouse, repeatedly checked, and coordinated with the local social security bureau to help them issue certificates.

In addition, in order to properly solve the employment problem of veterans, the regiment, together with the Bureau of Resident Veterans Affairs, actively coordinates local enterprises to enter military camps and organize talent recruitment fairs every year during the demobilization season to help veterans find satisfactory jobs. "No matter how many years we have left, the organization will not shirk the responsibility for solving the problems we encounter, and such a collective will always be full of combat effectiveness," said a veteran of the regiment. (Wan Ren, Sun Xingwei)

(Editor in charge: Chen Yu, Liu Yuanyuan)

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