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The "Joint Operation Actuary" Focusing on the Future Battlefield -- On Yuan Wei, the "Revolutionary Soldier of the Most Beautiful New Era"

10:49, August 21, 2023 | Source: Xinhua
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After many years, Yuan Wei still often thinks of the days when the information construction of the unit was carried out day and night in the deep mountains.

After graduating from the military academy in 2005, Yuan Wei served as an assistant engineer in the former Second Artillery Corps. The room without signal in the deep mountain became a good place for him to tackle key problems. He focused on the needs of the battlefield, devoted all his energy to the pilot task of unit informatization construction, successfully developed a virtual simulation training system for a certain type of weapon, and grew into a technical backbone capable of lifting the beam.

"Informatization construction is just a small step towards the future battlefield, and joint operation is the direction of my future research." Deep down in the mountains, Yuan Wei firmly believes in serving the planning of joint operations.

Yuan Wei (middle), a senior engineer of a support team in the central theater, and the team members conducted a battlefield survey (photographed on June 2). Photographed by Zhan Hengji, Xinhua News Agency

In 2016, Yuan Wei was selected and transferred to a support team in the Central Theater for operational research. In the face of the new field of joint operations support, some people find it difficult, but he is excited: "The theater of war is the forefront of joint operations. To win the future war, we must go to the front line of war research and planning."

In the year of transfer, Yuan Wei led the team to successfully complete the first drill support task organized by the war zone. However, after several drills, Yuan Wei found that the battle command had the problem of relying on traditional experience to make calculations: "In the future battlefield, information control has become the key factor to determine victory or defeat. Whoever can accurately grasp, analyze and process information is the dominant party."

Therefore, Yuan Wei focused his research on the combat simulation simulation system that can conduct accurate information processing and data analysis. He has developed more than 100 system functions, refined hundreds of calculation points, built hundreds of model algorithms, and designed a complete set of software systems for combat simulation.

Later, in the joint exercise organized by the theater, he led the team to form multiple evaluation and analysis reports by comprehensively using simulation, modeling analysis, operational research and calculation and other means, which provided strong support for scientific decision-making.

"What the future battlefield needs, we will study what we need." With such determination and belief, Yuan Wei focused on the bottleneck problems that need to be solved urgently in preparation for war, led the team to pool intelligence to tackle key problems, and developed more than 10 sets of software systems by ourselves, which greatly improved the efficiency of battle planning.

"Only by mastering the 'data control power' can we master the information control power." Yuan Wei said that the refined planning of "relying on model algorithms and scientific data" can meet the needs of future joint operations.

Today, Yuan Wei has become a senior engineer of a support team in the central war zone.

In recent years, he led his team to participate in more than 20 major exercises and training activities to provide precise services for joint operations command and decision-making. Under the guidance of constantly updated joint operations tasks, he led the team to participate in the military modeling competition of the whole army for four consecutive years, won the special prize three times, and was subsequently employed as a proposition expert by the competition organizing committee. The conversion rate of his research achievements reached 100%. Some of them entered the command decision-making, some provided strong support for the optimization and upgrading of the command and control system, and some solved practical problems in the exercise.

"The expectation in the mountains has now become a reality." Through countless calculations, deduction and argumentation, Yuan Wei found the entrance to the future battlefield: "We should constantly enhance the ability to guarantee joint battle command, provide reliable support for winning future wars, and gain the initiative in the battlefield."

Actively learn cutting-edge theories, introduce information technologies such as machine learning, knowledge mapping, AR/VR, and integrate artificial intelligence and cloud computing into the system... Focusing on the future battlefield joint operations, Yuan Wei has always made great strides forward. (Zhao Wanshu, Peng Bingjie, Wang Zhuo)

(Editor in charge: Chen Yu, Tang and Song Dynasties)

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