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"Space Eagle Eye" - "Divine Eagle FKA" radar remote sensing satellite

July 12, 2023 13:47 | Source: People's Daily Online - Military Channel
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On May 27, the Russian National Space Group announced on its official website that the "Alliance 2.1a" carrier rocket carrying the radar remote sensing satellite "Divine Eagle FKA" lifted off from the Oriental Space Launch Site located in Amur State in the Far East of Russia at 0:15 Moscow time on May 27, and put the satellite into the scheduled orbit. As a new generation of remote sensing satellite of Russia, what is its outstanding feature and mission?

Insight into everything - the excellent reconnaissance capability of the "Divine Eagle FKA" radar remote sensing satellite

Remote sensing satellites, as the "eyes" deployed in the sky by countries around the world, allow people to have a panoramic view of the ground from space. Space remote sensing has the advantages of wide observation range, low observation cost and many observation data, which has greatly expanded the vision of human exploration of the Earth. The working mode of optical remote sensing satellite is passive reception, and the imaging effect is directly affected by the light conditions. Ordinary optical remote sensing satellite has great application limitations. Taking the common remote sensing imaging satellites to the ground as an example, no matter in bad weather such as cloud, fog, haze, rain, snow, or in the dark environment, good imaging effect can be achieved. In other words, even if the performance of optical remote sensing satellite is very advanced, it is also vulnerable to the influence of atmosphere, especially meteorological conditions, and cannot work all day and all time.

"Divine Eagle FKA" radar remote sensing satellite has more advantages than all-weather operations. Compared with optical remote sensing satellites, radar waves of radar satellites can penetrate soil and vegetation, which means they can detect underground targets. The penetration depth of radar remote sensing to soil is different in different bands. Through radar satellite remote sensing in different bands, the characteristics of surface soil can also be retrieved, and military facilities hidden underground can be easily detected, so as to carry out accurate strikes.

These advantages make "Divine Eagle FKA" one of the pillars in Russia's space remote sensing field soon.

Measuring the Sky and Exploring the Atmosphere -- The Full Application of "Shenying FKA" Radar Remote Sensing Satellite to the Meteorological Field

The "Divine Eagle FKA" radar remote sensing satellite can also be used in the meteorological field. Traditional meteorological observation is the combination of optical meteorological satellite and ground weather radar. Optical meteorological satellite has the ability of optical observation in a large range, but its resolution is too low to detect internal conditions; Ground weather radar can penetrate clouds to detect and identify the internal structure of various weather systems, but its coverage area is limited. The "Divine Eagle FKA" remote sensing satellite takes both advantages into account, and is very suitable for regularly scanning complex and wide areas and detecting potential changes that may occur, for example, it can reliably monitor typhoons and torrential rains while observing rainfall.

From the perspective of combat effectiveness, good selection and utilization of meteorological conditions that can give full play to the maximum power of people and weapons is crucial to win the battle. In this sense, meteorology is the "multiplier" of combat effectiveness, and mastering the "Divine Eagle FKA" remote sensing satellite is equivalent to taking this "multiplier" into account.

Nothing to hide -- the significant role of the "Divine Eagle FKA" radar remote sensing satellite in Russia

The appearance of "Divine Eagle FKA" radar remote sensing satellite has greatly improved Russia's military reconnaissance capability. First, the twice a day reconnaissance frequency ensures that Russia can obtain real-time dynamic intelligence of local military facilities. This has provided great help for Russia to obtain more accurate intelligence and formulate more accurate military strategies and decisions.

Secondly, the high-resolution imaging capability of the "Divine Eagle FKA" satellite provides the Russian military with detailed surface information. Military facilities within the scope of radar remote sensing, regardless of their size, can be photographed and analyzed.

As a new generation of remote sensing satellite, "Divine Eagle FKA" has not only improved its structure and technical means, but also raised its strategic level. "Divine Eagle FKA" radar remote sensing satellite plays a more prominent role in supporting the battlefield and is increasingly important. This also gives us an enlightenment on whether we can learn from the innovative architecture of the "Divine Eagle FKA" radar remote sensing satellite for the improvement of satellites, especially meteorological satellites, and organically combine new technologies in multiple fields in future research to improve the battlefield support strength of remote sensing satellites. (Liu Zhixian, Zhu Kelei, Yang Donglin, Researcher of International Studies Center of National University of Defense Technology)

(Editor in charge: Chen Yu, Deng Zhihui)

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