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Kunming, Yunnan Province: Retired servicemen's employment and entrepreneurship exhibition hall appeared at the subway station

10:20, April 6, 2023 | Source: China National Defense Daily
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The exterior view of the employment and entrepreneurship exhibition hall for retired soldiers in Kunming, Yunnan Province. Photographed by Wang Dong

The exhibition hall has been moved into the subway station, and has also become a place for online celebrities to punch cards - this spring, an employment and entrepreneurship exhibition for veterans in Kunming, Yunnan Province, became "hot".

In early spring, the author came to Kunming Wuyi Road Subway Station, Entrance A, and the striking red letters above the entrance reminded pedestrians that he had come to the "Kunming Retired Soldiers Employment and Entrepreneurship Exhibition Hall". Stepping into the exhibition hall, a strong military flavor came to my face. The main theme of the exhibition hall is camouflage. There is a long queue in front of the interactive button of "like veterans". Press the red five pointed star on the wall to participate in the like activity. The screen displays the number of participants in real time. "Fellow soldiers, the next stop is the Military Dream Factory..." The author pressed the interactive button, and the number of likes displayed on the screen has exceeded 100000.

Wuyi Road Subway Station is located in the middle section of Kunming Metro Line 3, surrounded by numerous shopping malls and large pedestrian flow. In order to encourage and call on more ex servicemen to join the tide of employment and entrepreneurship, Kunming Bureau of Veterans Affairs, together with a military start-up enterprise in Yunnan, has built an exhibition hall for ex servicemen's employment and entrepreneurship in the subway station. The hall is divided into 14 theme panels to introduce the employment, entrepreneurship and training services provided by Kunming Retired Soldiers Employment and Entrepreneurship Park and Training (Internship) Base for the retired soldiers, show the typical deeds of the retired soldiers' entrepreneurship, and introduce the policies and regulations related to the employment and entrepreneurship of the retired soldiers.

This is the emergency communication product, this is the soil recovery equipment... Follow Zhao Shuai, the person in charge of the city's ex servicemen employment entrepreneurship park and training (internship) base, to the exhibition area of military innovation products, which is an eye opener for the author. "In the park located in Chenggong District, there is a professional training team to provide various employment and entrepreneurship services for retired soldiers." Zhao Shuai told the author that he is also a retired soldier, and he understands that veterans often face professional problems such as law, finance, and management in employment and entrepreneurship. He needs to have a deeper understanding of enterprises and industries to make his career planning clearer.

So far, more than 190 military start-ups have settled in the park, and the park has held more than 100 online and offline training activities, with more than 180000 participants. (Wang Dong)

(Editor in charge: Chen Yu, Wang Xiaoxiao)

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