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US Strategic Nuclear Submarine Appears in the Middle East to Deter Iran

November 2, 2022 09:54 | Source: China National Defense Daily
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The US Navy's Ohio class "West Virginia" strategic nuclear submarine.

Recently, in a statement, the US Central Command made a rare exposure of the deployment location of the US Navy's Ohio class "West Virginia" strategic nuclear submarine. According to the statement, the commander of the US Central Command, Koulila, recently boarded the "West Virginia" strategic nuclear submarine, which was operating in the international waters of the Arabian Sea, and stayed on board for nearly 8 hours, causing concern from the outside world.

"West Virginia" is the No. 11 submarine of the US Navy's Ohio class strategic nuclear submarine, continuing the convention that strategic nuclear submarines are named after states. At present, the US Navy has 14 Ohio class strategic nuclear submarines, each of which can carry 20 Trident submarine launched ballistic missiles, and each missile can carry 14 nuclear warheads, which means that an Ohio class strategic nuclear submarine can theoretically carry 280 nuclear warheads. In addition, the US Navy has four cruise missile submarines modified from Ohio class strategic nuclear submarines, each of which can carry up to 154 Tomahawk cruise missiles.

Although the United States Central Command did not disclose the specific time of the Kuri bin Laden boat in the statement, nor did it explain the way in which it boarded the boat, as long as the Kuri bin Laden boat patrols, it means that the "West Virginia" strategic nuclear submarine needs to surface. In the trinity strategic nuclear deterrent force of the US military, the strategic nuclear submarine, as a sea based nuclear force, is regarded as the most reliable link because of its high concealment and strong viability. In order to maintain its concealment, it usually does not float up during months of underwater strategic cruise to avoid exposure to its whereabouts. Analysts said that due to the large number of military and civilian ships in the Arabian Sea and the relatively closed sea area, the "West Virginia" strategic nuclear submarine was floating up this time, bearing a greater risk of exposure. Regardless of the risk, the US military senior management actively disclosed the location of the strategic nuclear submarine in the name of patrol, mainly to deter Iran.

US media said that Iran recently reached an agreement with Russia to provide Russia with a large number of unmanned aerial vehicles and surface to surface ballistic missiles. Although the Iranian side denied it many times, the United States did not buy it. At this time, the United States took the initiative to release the location information of strategic nuclear submarines to warn Iran.

However, for a long time, the United States has tried to force Iran to yield by means of sanctions and threats of force, which has not achieved the expected effect, but has triggered Iran's tough confrontation. Soon after the US strategic nuclear submarine "demonstrated its strength", it was turned against by Iran. On October 21, Iranian Navy Commander Ilani said at the welcoming ceremony for the return of the fleet that the Iranian navy was attacked in the escort operation, but successfully captured two US unmanned boats. Analysts said that, in fact, the shift of the US strategic focus and the multiple problems faced by its domestic economy have already weakened the effectiveness and credibility of its military deterrence. The US's refusal to negotiate on an equal footing and its reliance on military deterrence will not only fail to solve the problem, but will also be counterproductive. Song Kun

(Editor in charge: Chen Yu, Wang Xiaoxiao)

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