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The study report is determined to move forward and work hard, and a brigade of air force aviation in the Western Theater of Operations resolutely fulfills its mission——

Pursue dreams and aspire to the sky

October 20, 2022 07:45 | Source: pla daily
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Above: The pilot of a brigade of the air force aviation in the western theater returned from training. Photographed by Wang Ke

In the roar, the eagle returns to its nest. Fly for the motherland; Defend the frontier for the people.

In the golden autumn of October, the forests were covered with trees, and the grand occasion of the 20th CPC National Congress was spread all over the whole country. The northwest Gobi, the camp of a brigade of air force aviation in the western war zone, is filled with a festive atmosphere. The theme activity of "learning report, understanding spirit, praising achievements and talking about mission" was rapidly launched.

The event is inspiring and the achievements are inspiring. In combination with the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, officers and soldiers talked about their missions and tasks and shared a bright future.

Looking back over the past 10 years, we have witnessed extraordinary progress and achievements. In the great journey of the reform and reconstruction of the People's Army, the brigade has always resonated with the pace of building a strong military, with updated concepts, upgraded equipment, solid foundation and strong talents.

On the plateau, out of the sea, in the desert, nine days above, the eagle fluttered, and the track continued to expand... The 10 years of struggling are also the 10 years of the brigade's combat effectiveness.

New era, new journey. The officers and soldiers of the brigade said that they would take the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China as the guide, resolutely move forward, work hard to take on their responsibilities, and resolutely fulfill their missions and tasks with more outstanding achievements.

One coordinate, positioning the loyalty to the party

"Young comrades in arms, the important task of history is in your hands. I hope you will work hard under the strong leadership of President Xi, live up to your mission and trust!" An old man on the big screen in the brigade's multimedia learning room gave a slightly trembling but powerful speech, which drew warm applause from the whole audience.

The old man who sent the message was Gao Guoming, an old pilot who took part in a major test mission in the 1970s. In order to further study the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the brigade invited Gao Guoming to connect with the officers and soldiers to guide the young officers and soldiers to deeply plant their ideals and beliefs of loyalty to the Party.

"In his report, President Xi stressed that we should comprehensively strengthen the Party building in the people's army and ensure that the guns always obey the Party's command. The older generation used their practical actions to practice listening to the Party's words, following the Party, and doing what they ordered, fearing life and death, and starting immediately. This spirit touched me very much." Watching the live broadcast of the event and Gao Guoming's message video, Li Haihang, a post-90s pilot, shared his feelings with reporters, "In the great era, we should stick to the party, make contributions to the frontier and write loyalty!"

In the desert, beacon smoke and Malan, a monument to revolutionary martyrs made of Tianshan granite stands quietly. This is the coordinate of the brave and loyal struggle of the ancestors who are not afraid of life and death, and also the spiritual coordinate of the brigade's inheritance of the red gene.

Historically, 10 pilots of the brigade set sail from here and took back precious test samples. Every time they come to the monument, the pilots have a special feeling: "If you break through the mushroom cloud, there will be no difficulty to become a stumbling block."

"Go boldly" has become the declaration of the young pilots of the brigade.

In the midsummer of 2021, Li Haihang piloted a pilot training base of the Air Force into the air, directly attacked the target, and the target was shot down accurately.

Li Haihang, who stepped out of the fighter plane and participated in the training of air-to-air missile live shooting for the first time, was filled with unprecedented pride: "I am confident that I will take over the responsibility and mission of our predecessors!"

That time, this group of pilots with an average age of less than 30 years old created a good result of 16 out of 16, and played the largest boundary, the largest envelope, and the largest load.

Duan Yangyang, the pilot, can't forget the feeling of desolation when he came to the army station for the first time. A dispatch sent him from the south of lush clouds to the northwest desert with yellow sand.

At a command, like Duan Yangyang, pilots from various units gathered in the desert from all over the world. They are brave and loyal, brave and tenacious... Inspired by the spirit of the seniors, they gradually adapt to loneliness and fall in love with this hot land.

"A place of hardship is a good place to train and prepare for war." The longer you stay, the deeper Duan Yangyang's understanding will become. Now, he is used to picking up his equipment and rushing to the fighter when he hears the rapid grade turning into the bell; Accustomed to gazing at the lights in the darkness, and finding the light of runway lights in the darkness; Get used to fighting everywhere and be ready to deal with special situations at any time

Faith has become more and more firm in taking off again and again. Ideals become clearer in the process of task after task.

Time goes by, faith lasts forever. After the exchange, the young officers and soldiers wrote back to the old hero one after another, saying that they should transform the enthusiasm of studying the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China into the actual action of training and preparing for war, constantly improve the ability to win, and forge an elite force that can fight and win when called.

A set of chest marks to witness the road of striving to win

"Improve the strategic ability to defend national sovereignty, security, and develop interests, and effectively perform the tasks of the People's Army in the new era." During the study, officers and soldiers were deeply impressed by the statement in the report.

In this regard, Liu Xianhui, the deputy chief of staff of the brigade, said: "For pilots, where the interests of the motherland are concerned, we must reach the destination. Only by improving the level of technology and tactics in the consistent war training can we have a better chance of winning in the future war."

Korla, joint training of Chinese and foreign air forces. Against air combat, systematic attack and defense, and joint anti-terrorism... pilots gain a lot when they are involved.

In that year, the last group of confrontation drills was the joint training between China and foreign countries. Chen Yu, who was the captain of the brigade's flight team at that time, and his comrades in arms flew planes to fight with foreign pilots.

Chen Yu steps into the cockpit, makes a gesture to the wingman, and then arrives at the takeoff line first. After arriving at the "combat" airspace, he commanded the wingman and stepped out decisively. The coming confrontation made his blood boil.

It is difficult to win a battle by following the rules, and innovation can find the way to win. The night before last, Chen Yu and the wingman studied a set of tactics.

"Find the target!" With the report of the wingman coming from the headset, Chen Yu's mind suddenly shows the air situation of both sides. Push rod, maneuver... He knows that only by occupying a favorable position can he launch an attack more effectively.

It seems that the opponent and Chen Yu think of each other, and they also start a high speed maneuver... After a complex set of air movements, Chen Yu gives full play to his advantage in attack distance to "shoot down" the opponent.

After getting off the plane, the foreign pilots were convinced. They tore off their name tags and sent them to Chen Yu: "Brother, you have shown me the excellence of Chinese air force pilots."

It is precisely because he focuses all his thoughts on fighting that Chen Lei has won the honors of "excellent pilot in air combat" and "individual pacesetter in the whole army to practice the goal of building a strong army".

Today, there are several name tags lying in the military history corridor of the brigade together with this name tag as a special "victory", telling the future generations about this past.

"The more powerful the sharpening stone is, the more sharp the edge will be." Following this concept, the brigade, based on the major task platform, constantly tests and improves its combat effectiveness in the joint and confrontation with radar, ground guidance, land aviation and other forces.

At the same time, they also used simulators to improve training efficiency, set up a "think tank" to gather wisdom and tackle difficulties, and introduced quantitative scoring standards for flight training... Each innovative measure stimulated the strong vitality of officers and men in training and preparing for war.

In an exercise organized by the Air Force. The brigade, as the blue side, performs the task of summoning and striking at the moment.

In the face of highly complex mountain and canyon terrain and powerful opponents, Liu Xianhui resolutely established an assault route after a low altitude penetration, successfully evaded radar tracking and destroyed the "enemy" position.

The results of damage research and judgment were broadcast in real time, and applause resounded through the drill hall. This result greatly boosted the confidence of officers and soldiers. The chest mark of this mission was also treasured in the showcase of the brigade history corridor.

The report of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed to comprehensively strengthen military training and preparation, and improve the ability of the people's army to win. "For us, we can win in the battlefield only when we meet the tough in training. Only when we meet the standard in actual combat and keep abreast of the war, can we sharpen the edge of the sword and forge an invincible air force." Looking back and looking forward to the future, the leaders of this brigade are full of confidence.

A standard for training future oriented talents

At the end of the training, the Uygur pilot of the brigade, Kerim, discussed the report of the 20th CPC National Congress with several young pilots.

"A strong youth makes a strong country. At the right time for contemporary Chinese youth, the stage for them to display their talents is extremely broad, and the prospect of realizing their dreams is extremely bright." Looking back on their tracks in recent years, Kerim expressed his feelings, "We must seize the opportunity, work hard, forge ahead bravely, and run this stick well in our hands!"

In daily training, more and more young pilots in the brigade are entrusted with important tasks; New pilots are gradually emerging in major tasks.

Alignment, maintenance, docking...... At a height of 10000 meters, the brigade pilot Wan Jiakang conducted aerial refueling training.

With both eyes staring at the screen, Wanjiakang operates the joystick gently and accurately. The 24-year-old pilot seemed to be familiar with the difficult movements in the super dense formation.

The aerial refueling mission was successfully completed, and the fighter left a faint track in the sky.

In the re examination and analysis room, Li Mingxun, the leader of the third flight team of the brigade, said: "At present, it is normal for new pilots to go straight to difficult courses such as aerial refueling. The use of high-tech equipment such as simulators has improved the overall training efficiency and shortened the pilot's growth cycle."

New pilots teach old pilots, and senior engineers take notes with the new platoon leader... "In our brigade, the right to speak has nothing to do with age, seniority and position, but only with strength." The experience of pilot Duerqi after 1995 has been a consensus.

When performing a live ammunition target shooting mission, Duerqi and two other pilots in the same group proposed a plan to break the convention. This scheme went to the "bidding platform", and was determined to be feasible after comprehensive evaluation. It has been proved that this scheme has enabled three people to achieve their best results and has been promoted among pilots in the whole brigade.

"The report of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward that we should adhere to building a strong military through politics, reform, science and technology, talent and law." The brigade leaders said, "To implement talent building, we should adhere to educating people for war, and let grassroots officers and men study innovation and grow into talents in the practice of building a strong military." To this end, they will strengthen the talent base as an important link in the unit's infrastructure construction. From training to appointment, the brigade has summarized a set of systematic and long-term measures to connect talent training with the future battlefield.

Now, the success rate of the new batch of pilots in the brigade has increased significantly. The whole brigade shouted the slogan of "Today's standard, tomorrow's inheritance", officers and soldiers' enthusiasm for entrepreneurship was high, many sets of tactics were recognized by the superior, and the experience of in-depth maintenance of a certain type of equipment was promoted by the superior.

Not long ago, during a live ammunition research and training mission, the brigade achieved the best result since a certain type of domestic missile was installed. This is a true reflection of all the officers and soldiers of the brigade's single-minded pursuit of combat effectiveness——

Pilots' deep calculation, detailed calculation and actuarial calculation on the ground, precise operation and repeated verification in the air; The maintenance officers and soldiers carefully checked every route, every part, every aircraft and every rivet, without missing any doubts; Ensure the officers and soldiers to test the performance and debug the state of missiles one by one, and determine the person, aircraft, and missiles. All disciplines have worked together to achieve the optimal allocation and release the best efficiency.

The night is deep and the light is not out. In the study room, Kerim and his comrades in arms are studying the training program. A few days later, they will fly across the eastern and western parts of the motherland from the desert to the northern coast.

Kerim said: "President Xi pointed out that young people should unswervingly listen to the Party's words, follow the Party, embrace dreams and be down-to-earth, dare to think, dare to act and do good deeds. In this great era, I will work with my comrades in arms to witness history, participate in history, create history, and write a new chapter of a strong military with magnificent tracks, full of pride and fighting spirit." (Li Lei)

(Editor in charge: Peng Xiaoling, Wen Lu)

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