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The Network Audio visual Association issued an industry initiative: firmly say "no" to the "flow only theory"

10:12, April 18, 2024 | Source: People's Network
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People's Daily Online, Beijing, April 18 (Reporter Wang Renhong) For some time now, several MCN institutions have repeatedly fabricated false content, spread online rumors, and maliciously deceived Internet users in order to win traffic, which has caused a bad impact and has been condemned by all parties.

Recently, the Working Committee of Network Audio visual Professional Brokerage Agency of China Network Audio visual Program Service Association (hereinafter referred to as MCN Working Committee), together with video platforms and multiple MCN agencies, issued an initiative to the colleagues of MCN agencies nationwide, calling on MCN agencies and practitioners to consciously abide by the Constitution, laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China, actively fulfill their social responsibilities, and scrupulously abide by the bottom line of network communication, Say "no" to false content, "no" to "flow only theory", and "no" to behaviors that violate social public order and good customs and affect the healthy development of the industry.

The relevant person in charge said that the MCN Working Committee, as an industry organization in the MCN field, resolutely implemented the relevant provisions of the Code of Conduct for Network Anchors and the Administrative Measures for Brokerage Agencies in the Radio, Television and Network Audiovisual Field to promote the practical action of industry self-discipline, resolutely maintain a clear network audio-visual space, and serve the high-quality development of the digital economy.

The following is the full text of the initiative:

1、 Adhere to the legal bottom line and correct guidance. MCN institutions and employees should consciously abide by the Constitution, laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China, always adhere to the correct political direction, public opinion orientation and value orientation, actively practice socialist core values, actively fulfill social responsibilities, adhere to the bottom line of network communication, resolutely say "no" to false content, "flow only theory", and "against social order and good customs" Say "no" to behaviors that affect the healthy development of the industry.

2、 Implement the main responsibility and improve the management system. MCN institutions should implement their main responsibilities, take the creation of a harmonious, healthy and orderly network environment as their own responsibility, constantly establish and improve the internal systems and norms such as the stationing of network anchors, training, daily management, business scoring files, and "red and yellow card" management, and resolutely resist all kinds of acts that violate laws and regulations, damage network civilization, violate network ethics, and harm network harmony.

3、 Focus on content creation and improve service efficiency. We will promote MCN institutions to firmly establish a people centered creative orientation, combine creating high-quality masterpieces with improving service quality, empower the real economy with high-quality content, win users with good services, and better meet the new needs of the people for a better life.

4、 Strengthen education and training to improve professional quality. Strengthen the self-discipline management of MCN institutions, strengthen the education and training of employees and network anchors, improve professional quality, knowledge level, professional ability, advocate social ethics, abide by professional ethics, cultivate personal morality, and establish a good social image.

5、 Promote exchanges and cooperation and jointly build industry ecology. We will guide MCN institutions to play the role of a link in the digital economy industry chain, promote the collaborative cooperation of content, platform, marketing and other parties, and jointly build an industry ecosystem of benign competition, mutual benefit and win-win results, so as to better serve economic and social development.

Co sponsors of the proposal:

(1) Platform side: iQiyi, Bilibili, Tiaoyin, Kuaishou, video number, Taobao, Xiaohongshu, Youku (in pinyin order)

(2) MCN institutions: Chunchu Culture, Dayu Network, Dingding Culture, Elephant MCN, Erjia Media, Buzzer Culture, Feibo Co creation, Fujian Radio and Television MCN, Gu Mai Jiahe, Huaxing Cool Entertainment, Huaxing Brilliant, Hubei Longshang MCN, Make a Friend, See the World, Mango MCN, Maiya Media, Menya Video OST Media, Qiguang Media, Qianpai Culture, Sinovine Culture, Wufeng Technology, Tesu, Wuyou Media, Xindong Media, Entertainment Canada Group, Silver Earth (in pinyin order)

China Network Audio Visual Program Service Association

Working Committee of Online Audio visual Brokerage

April 16, 2024

(Editor in charge: Wang Renhong, Lv Qian)

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