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Sing the New Era with "Four Forces"

Lin Huocan, reporter of Economic Daily
February 19, 2019 14:01 | Source: China Press, Publication, Radio and Television News
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Original title: Sing the New Era with "Four Forces"

Editor's Note: During the Spring Festival just passed, the media all over the country tasted the strong flavor of the grassroots through the "Spring Festival goes to the grassroots" report, always feeling the spirit of struggle, and showing the new atmosphere of the new era with the stories of ordinary people. Only on the road can there be an era in mind, only at the grass-roots level can there be a crowd in mind, and only at the scene can there be a touch in mind. For this reason, this issue of Media Face selects media people from the central media, provincial party newspapers, industry newspapers, and local and municipal party newspapers who participated in this year's "New Year's Grassroots" report, and listen to them share with us their experience of grass roots.

In this year's "Spring Festival at the grassroots level", I went to Chongqing and Anxi County, Fujian Province to interview.

In Chongqing, I followed the census takers of the Fourth National Economic Census (hereinafter referred to as "Sijingpu") through the streets, into buildings and communities, interviewed the on-site registration work of "Sijingpu", and experienced how the "big physical examination" of the national economy was carried out.

In Anxi County, the theme of my interview is to see how the central policies take root in local areas. I came to Anxi Administrative Service Center to interview the changes brought about by the reform of administrative approval. At the same time, go to the front line of local enterprises to interview their sense of gain in the reform of "decentralization, management and service".

Although the work of interview and reporting is intensive, along the way, I not only deeply felt the major achievements of economic development, the major breakthroughs in comprehensively deepening reform, the ever-changing changes in social development, but also exercised and improved my feet, eyes, brains and writing skills.

News comes out from under the footplate. A good news report is not written by sitting in the office and checking information or doing telephone interviews, but by journalists running with their feet. As the saying goes, "there is mud at the foot, there is light in the heart". If journalists do not go to the grass-roots level and the front line of economic activities, it is difficult to catch "live fish", let alone grasp the pulse of the times and listen to the voice of the times.

The "Four Economic Popularization" is a huge survey of national conditions and strength. It needs to conduct a census of the secondary and tertiary industries, which account for more than 90% of the total national economy. It needs to register nearly 900000 census districts and nearly 90 million census objects one by one. It is difficult to understand the difficulty of "Four Classics Popularization" through this group of cold data. When following the census takers to register, I witnessed that some respondents had resistance and needed census takers to take pains to do ideological work; Some census respondents are willing to cooperate, but the census takers just go out when they come to visit, so they can only make an appointment at another time; Although some census objects are very cooperative, the financial data is incomplete, which brings many difficulties to the on-site registration. No matter what happens, it is difficult. If you do not follow the census takers along, you will not be able to understand the difficulty of the "big physical examination" of the national economy, nor can you go into the deep heart of census takers to feel their ups and downs.

It is not enough to do news only with "foot power", but also with keen "vision".

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the CPC Central Committee and the State Council have attached great importance to the transformation of government functions, and have taken the reform of "delegating authority, regulation and service" as an important part of comprehensively deepening reform. How does this reform measure take root at the grass-roots level? During an interview in Anxi County, relevant personnel introduced that Anxi County has achieved the goal of obtaining business license immediately by promoting "zero discretion" and opening a "new trunk line" for administrative approval and acceleration.

However, when I interviewed Wu Zhinong, the head of a catering service company who was applying for a business license in the administrative service center, he said that he had applied for it a few days ago, not "once at most", but twice. What is the truth? It turns out that Wu Zhinong is engaged in the business of student catering distribution services, which requires higher safety and health requirements, and needs to survey the site of business activities, so it will take several more working days. This case shows that, in the reform of "decentralization, management and service", Anxi County, on the one hand, emphasizes to cut down the complexity and simplify, optimize the administrative approval process, and put the decentralization in place; On the other hand, they did not let it go, but insisted on managing the management.

This also shows that when reporters go to the front line of the grass-roots level to interview, they must bend down and sink down. They should not hang in the air or float on the surface. They should really observe, judge and distinguish carefully to make news reports more grounded.

A good economic news report cannot be separated from the support of good "writing power". Both the "Four Classics" and the "Release and Management Service" are highly professional fields. In order to make the report understandable and willing to read, reporters should shield from empty preaching, try to reduce abstract reasoning, and try to describe the true feelings of the interviewees by describing fresh cases, so that the report is "soiled", "dewy" and "hot".

For example, in my report on the "Four Economic Issues", I focused on the story of census takers Wang Jia and Chen Kun, who were busy with community work and economic census work. They often worked overtime and had to deal with the problems that individual census takers did not understand, do not support, and did not cooperate. The purpose of telling their stories is to arouse the resonance of readers and census respondents, and appeal for more understanding and support from all walks of life for the economic census.

Practice has proved time and time again that to collect and write good news works, we cannot do without in-depth investigation and research. We cannot do without the support of good footwork, eyesight, brains and writing skills. There is no shortcut. 2019 is the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the key year for building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. I will continue to go deep into the grassroots, the front line, the masses and the reality, constantly strengthen the "four forces", and sing the high melody of praising the new China and striving for a new era.

(Editor in charge: Zhao Guangxia, Song Xinrui)

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