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To touch the pulse of happiness

Nanyang Daily reporter Zhang Ti

Zhang Ti
February 19, 2019 14:07 | Source: China Press, Publication, Radio and Television News
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Original title: To touch the pulse of happiness

In the festival drama of "New Year at the grassroots level", the people are the brightest protagonists, and the well-being of people's livelihood is the hottest theme.

Nanyang, Henan, is a city with a large population and a large agriculture. Poverty alleviation is the top priority at present. In this year's "Spring Festival at the grassroots level" interview activity, what I admire most is the story of poverty alleviation of the poor people in Goukou Village, Liaohepo Town, Wolong District.

With steep slopes, thin land and scattered population, Goukou Village is a typical example of poor villages in mountainous areas. Since the fight against poverty began, the village has built casings processing poverty alleviation workshops, developed three sheep farms, and built new photovoltaic power stations. The poor people have projects, earned wages, and boosted their spirit. In 2018, there were 44 people from 13 households in Goukou Village, and the poverty incidence rate dropped to 1.6%. "My family planted 5000 bags of shiitake mushrooms, and I can earn at least 7000 yuan a year. Last year, I successfully got out of poverty!" In the interview, Zhao Dewen, a poor household, was counting the bill and smiling.

The smiles of the masses are inspiring, and the dedication of grassroots cadres is also impressive. Wang Shizhen, the first secretary in the village of Goukou Village, took root in the village with his team members, interviewed the poor face to face, and gave precise help hand in hand. In 2018, he coordinated and built more than 10 public welfare projects for the village. "Find the right way, seize the right prescription, and there must be a solution to the problem of poverty alleviation!" Wang Shizhen's forceful words are still fresh in my memory.

The poverty alleviation story of Goukou Village was published on the front page of Nanyang Daily under the title of "The Road to Wealth in the Valley", and short videos were simultaneously launched on the new media platforms of Nanyang Newspaper Media Group, such as WeChat, Weibo, Longteng Nanyang Client, Nanyang Network, Nanyang News Network and Mobile News, which became another innovation of Nanyang Newspaper Media Group in media integration and development. This report also made use of the People's Daily's "'2019, we are all dreamers' 'Dream Pursuit Plan for the strivers" to be on the People's Daily's national party media platform.

The festive atmosphere of happiness and peace is not only derived from the abundant New Year goods in the market and the rich wallet, but also needs good and considerate service and a warm sense of gain. Before and after the Spring Festival, I also set my sights on the front line of "deregulation, regulation and service", recording the gratifying changes brought to people's lives by the reform of government services "at most once".

Forgot to bring your ID card when reissuing your driver's license, just go to the camera and "brush your face"; There is no time to get the business license after the business license is completed. Postal express can deliver the license to your home free of charge; The transfer procedures for houses are complicated, and the registration of real estate transactions has now achieved "one window acceptance"... I learned from the interview that with the deepening of the reform of "running at most once" government service under the premise of "one network connection" in Nanyang City, 953 municipal approval services have all been handled online in a centralized manner, and the masses and enterprises have "only entered one door" and "run at most once" It has gradually become normal. "It is more and more convenient to handle affairs!" The straightforward and simple evaluation from the citizens is the most powerful affirmation of the reform of "decentralization, regulation and service" in Nanyang.

To reduce the burden on market subjects, create conditions for fair business, lower the threshold for employment and entrepreneurship, and increase the convenience of people's lives... vivid examples from the front line were collected into the in-depth report "Run at most once", run into the hearts of the people ", published in the front page of the Nanyang Daily column" Go Change "Frontline Observation", and distributed commentator articles, It arouses readers' enthusiastic response and resonance.

In the "New Year's Grassroots" activity, my colleagues and I also visited the immigrant masses of the South to North Water Diversion Project, interviewed the model of the times of sticking to the mountain village school, visited the well-known experts of scientific and technological innovation enterprises, followed the express boys in the wind and snow... They have different faces, but they tell the same wonderful stories; They use different experiences to transmit the same powerful positive energy.

Grassroots are the capillaries of the country, the nerve endings of the society, and the value coordinates and growth soil for journalists to realize their dreams. By going to the grass-roots level, we have witnessed the most moving dream stories, the most magnificent changes of the times, and the inexhaustible power to fight for the party's journalism.

Only on the road can there be an era in mind, only at the grass-roots level can there be a crowd in mind, and only at the scene can there be a touch in mind. The practice of "going to the grass-roots level in the Spring Festival" for many years tells us that the grass-roots level is the best classroom and the masses are the best teachers. As a reporter of the Party newspaper, only by jumping down to the front line, constantly strengthening his feet, eyes, brains and writing skills, stepping forward, opening his eyes, using his brain, practicing his excellent writing skills, saying what the people can understand, and writing articles that "touch the dirt" and "emit heat", can he constantly enhance the appeal and vitality of news reports, and take on the responsibility of telling stories of the people Record the responsibility and mission of the changing times.

(Editor in charge: Zhao Guangxia, Song Xinrui)

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