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See the truth in the process of walking, and fuse new ideas

Liu Shen, reporter of Hubei Daily
February 19, 2019 14:02 | Source: China Press, Publication, Radio and Television News
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Original title: See the truth in the process of walking and merge new ideas

In the morning of deep winter, I forced myself to go out. The withered grass on the roadside was covered with a layer of silver frost flowers. When we arrived at the Fuhe Wetland located in the Dongxihu District of Wuhan, the vast beach was full of birds, ducks and cranes.

On January 26, here, I interviewed the volunteer bird protection team with two colleagues. There are 25 members of the bird guard team. Some of them are staff of Linte Station, Baiquan Street, Dongxihu District, and some are villagers' volunteers nearby. The bird guard team pulled up a barbed wire fence more than one person high along the wetland, circled a 3600 mu water surface, and prohibited outsiders from entering. They were on duty 24 hours a day, and worked for seven years.

In the humble bird protection tent, we interviewed the team leader and several members in succession, from the establishment of the bird protection team to the public environmental science education base, from the poaching of swans to the migratory bird paradise. Tang Guoshe, a 64 year old bird guard, wore a navy blue security uniform and looked at us shyly with a smile on her red cheeks.

The reporter's intuition told me that he must be a person with a story. How to open his mouth? During the conversation, Tang Guoshe got up to take over the shift and prepared to patrol the lake regularly. I shouted, "Uncle Tang, I'll go with you!"

The cold wind was very cold. Although there was air leakage everywhere in the tent, it made me shiver when I went out. With pliers, garbage bags, binoculars and other tools, we set out.

Due to the dry season, the Fuhe River Wetland is divided into several small pools. Every few hundred meters on the water surface, there are large groups of waterfowl, ranging from a dozen to hundreds. "Is that a swan?" I asked, pointing to a startled bird. "No! Egrets." Speaking of birds, Master Tang could not help opening his mouth.

Follow Master Tang when he patrols the lake. He can tell the species of water birds at a glance without using binoculars. "Those are the bean geese and the gray geese, with the largest number. In the distance are the white spoonbills and cormorants, as well as several egrets and herons." There are many kinds of birds, and only the subtle differences between their shapes and mouths are almost identical in my eyes, but Master Tang can distinguish them at a glance.

Walking on the waist deep wasteland, Master Tang cleaned up the garbage and repaired the broken barbed wire from time to time. His ears and hands were all cracked with blood. Master Tang introduced to us that he was originally a construction worker and joined the bird guard team in the winter of 2012. Since then, every year when migratory birds came here to spend the winter, he would guard the shore with the team members. Seven years later, he changed from "one bird doesn't know" to "one hundred birds know".

After walking two kilometers, I came to a bird protection tent. Just like the tent at the first interview site, it is poorly furnished and has a large open shop, which can accommodate four or five people lying flat. Tang Shifu said that because of the need to consider the safety of flood control, houses cannot be built. There is no water or electricity in the bird guard house, and no fire can be lit. It is extremely cold in winter. "We can only rely on constant patrolling to keep warm".

Along the way, I learned about Master Tang's experience and story of guarding migratory birds for seven years through "chatting". His emotions and sorrows resonated with me, and his persistence made me awe inspiring. What is different from previous interviews is that we also let netizens feel together with reporters "on the spot" through webcast. On the same day, the story of bird protection of Master Tang and his teammates received more than 800000 online viewers and interactions on the live broadcast platform.

Then, we published "Guarding the Fuhe River as a" Migratory Bird Paradise "on Hubei Daily, launched" Seven years! For them, these 25 people are on duty 24 hours a day! "On the official WeChat, and also released a short video" Fuhe River Bird Protector ". In the next few days, relevant reports were reprinted and forwarded on the new media platform and WeChat circle of friends, and many netizens and readers left messages and praised them.

At this moment, I deeply realized that if we didn't go deep into the wetland and patrol with Uncle Bird Guard, if we didn't find the sensitivity of stories and details, if we didn't have multi perspective display and full media matrix three-dimensional communication, we wouldn't have the effect of "screen brushing".

It is not only the report of bird guards. Before and after the Spring Festival, we went from village to village, went to the construction site and entered the workshop. Through warm stories and moving details, we brought netizens and readers together to vividly feel the great development of the new era and the vitality and hope of the society.

In Dawu County, Hubei Province, we took aerial photos of the relocated poverty alleviation community to record the happy new life of the villagers. In Luotian County, we witnessed the joy of poor households receiving industrial dividends. In Xiaochang County, we listened to Tang Gengen, a post-90s disabled college student, telling a moving story about his rush to a well-off society with his sheep.

For many years, Hubei Daily has insisted on "going to the grassroots level during the Spring Festival". Netizens commented that this year's series of financial media reports continued the tradition of going to the grass-roots level, changing the style of work and changing the style of writing. They were not only rich in content, but also moving, alive and bright. The new style was striking, simple and moving.

Through the reporting practice of bowing down and sinking down again, I firmly believe that how thick the soil under my feet is, how much truth has settled in my heart. Works that rely on foot power, eye power, brain power and pen power can move me, as well as netizens and readers.

(Editor in charge: Zhao Guangxia, Song Xinrui)

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