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Never forget the original intention, stick to the forward

Zou Hui, editor of People's Network Heilongjiang Channel

February 13, 2019 13:43 | Source: People's Daily Online - Media Channel
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The time goes by. Inadvertently, this year is the eighth year that I have been to Heilongjiang Channel of People's Network, and also the eighth year that I participated in the Spring Festival editorial duty to maintain and update the page of Heilongjiang Channel of People's Network.

The news industry is a member of the "Spring Festival does not close". Today, with the rapid development of the network, as a website editor, holiday duty has become a normal. Especially during the Spring Festival, when the people of the whole country welcome the New Year and reunite with their families, it is more important to maintain the harmony, health and safety of online news space. As an employee of the party network, I deeply felt my responsibility and the trust of the unit when I was able to participate in the maintenance of "security". This persistence gave me a full sense of mission and gain.

Although I am a girl, I have always yearned for the chivalrous men who walk in the Jianghu with swords in their novels since childhood. When I came to college, I studied journalism, and when the teacher taught, I admired those seniors who were in danger for the sake of the public interest and the truth of the news. I felt that they were the chivalrous men of today. They had a strong sense of morality, wrote articles skillfully, and hoped that they would imagine what they would be like when they were engaged in journalism for countless times, I am looking forward to becoming one of them. After graduation, I was lucky to be a journalist. Although as an editor, I could not go deep into the first scene of news, I didn't know the importance of editing until I worked. Many wonderful news reports can be presented to the public objectively and truly, without the editor's directional check and revision and careful words.

In the new year, I will stick to my post, do my work every day with great effort and emotion, record the beautiful life in the new era with words, and keep running and chasing dreams on the platform of People's Network.

(Editor in charge: Zhao Guangxia, Song Xinrui)

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