Enrollment dynamics

Arrangement of MBA Political Theory Examination of Beijing Jiaotong University in 2023 (adjustment)

Release time: 18:45, April 6, 2023   Number of views: three thousand seven hundred and fifty

According to the relevant requirements of the Ministry of Education, Beijing Municipality and the Work Plan of Beijing Jiaotong University for Postgraduate Reexamination in 2023, in order to do a good job in the reexamination of postgraduate enrollment in 2023, this work method is hereby formulated in combination with our actual situation. The matters related to the examination of the ideological and political theory course for the management joint examination candidates are notified as follows:

1、 Examination Account Scope and form

1. Examination subject code and name: 03127 Political Theory

2. Examination scope: theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics: formation and development of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics; The basic issues of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics and their interrelationships; The basic framework and main contents of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics; The basic contents of socialist economy, politics, culture, society and ecological civilization with Chinese characteristics; Important news about the Party's current policies.

3. Examination question type: argumentative question.

4. Examination form: open book (relevant books or printed materials can be brought with you, but not electronic devices)

II examination time

Examination time: 16:00-17:00, April 8, 2023 (Saturday)

Note: Please arrive at the designated written examination classroom about 30 minutes in advance. You cannot take the exam 30 minutes after the exam begins.

III Examination room arrangement


In 2023, Beijing Jiaotong University will adjust the arrangement of MBA political theory examination.pdf

IV examination rule

1. Candidates should consciously obey the management of the examination staff, strictly follow the relevant work instructions of the examination staff on the entrance and exit of the examination room, and should not hinder the examination staff from performing their duties for any reason, and should not disturb the order of the re examination room and its related places.

2. The examinee shall carry the materials, personal statement form and re examination registration form required for qualification examination, and conduct qualification examination and re examination according to the re examination arrangement of each college.

3. After entering the school, enter the designated place at the specified time, and take the initiative to cooperate with the examination staff in their identity verification, security inspection and personal belongings inspection as required.

4. Candidates are only allowed to take the written test with the test supplies within the test provisions. Open book examination can bring relevant books or printed materials. It is forbidden to use tools with communication functions (such as mobile phones, photographic equipment, scanning equipment, etc.) or electronic products with storage, programming, and query functions to enter the examination room.

5. Candidates must keep quiet in the examination room. No smoking, no making noise, no whispering, looking around, making gestures, making secret signs, no carrying, peeping around, copying or intentionally letting others copy, and no intentional damage to or taking out of the re examination related materials. In addition to writing personal information such as name in the designated position on the answer sheet, the examinee shall not make any other marks, otherwise the answer sheet will be invalid.

6. During the second interview, candidates are not allowed to make videos or recordings, and after the second interview, they are not allowed to disseminate the relevant content of the second interview in any form or by any means.

7. If the examinee does not comply with the rules of the examination room, does not obey the management of the examination staff, and has violations of discipline, cheating and other acts, they will be executed in accordance with the Education Law of the People's Republic of China and the Measures for Handling Violations of National Education Examinations, and recorded in the integrity file of national education examinees; Those suspected of violating the law shall be transferred to the judicial organ and investigated for legal responsibility in accordance with the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China.

5、 Examination consultation

If you have any questions about the examination policy and preparation, please contact us in the following way.

Office telephone: 010-51688411 Teacher Ding

Email: mba@bjtu.edu.cn

Website: http://mba.bjtu.edu.cn/

Official WeChat platform: mba_bjtu

QQ group for MBA preparation in 2023: 110502748








MBA Education Center of Beijing Jiaotong University

April 6, 2023



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