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Xingshun Street, Tiexi District, Shenyang City continues to improve people's wellbeing around the "key little things" in the field of people's livelihood

10:21, May 13, 2024 | Source: Guangming Daily
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The issue of people's livelihood concerns the vital interests of the people and is the cornerstone of social development. Xingshun Street, Tiexi District, Shenyang has always adhered to the people centered development idea, dedicated to solving problems for the people, sincerely doing practical things for the people, and trying to improve the sense of gain, happiness and security of the residents.

Caring for the masses and solving the people's worries

"Open the door and realize the dream of happiness" - the elevator door that has been closed for 16 years finally opened

It is understood that the five buildings of the South Courtyard of Prosperity Xindu are all 11 storey high-rise elevator buildings. Due to the leftover problems during the construction, there is no elevator door on the 2-7th floor, and residents below the 7th floor cannot travel by elevator. With the increasing age of residents, the desire to take the elevator is more urgent.

Since the second half of 2023, Xingshun Street has communicated with relevant enterprises for more than ten times and formulated a feasible elevator maintenance and construction plan. After more than three months of efforts, the elevator door was finally repaired and opened before the 2024 Spring Festival, which not only provides convenience for residents to take the elevator, but also forms a safety barrier.

"Fear life and protect peace" - the fire emergency rescue station was built in front of the people's homes

The community is the emergency headquarters of the emergency rescue station. It is understood that the emergency rescue station is equipped with fire cabinets, fire fighting clothes, safety ropes, fire extinguishers, flashlights, fire blankets, waist axes and other equipment and equipment, to comprehensively build a three-dimensional emergency rescue pattern of "echelon matching, coordinated response, seamless connection" between comprehensive fire rescue forces and grass-roots emergency rescue forces.

"The rescue station consists of information group, technical group, evacuation group, alert group, etc., and is equipped with at least 11 full-time (part-time) staff. Property management personnel are on duty 24 hours a day to ensure daily service and emergency response. When a fire is found, the first time to report the fire is 119, while simultaneously reporting the fire with one key, and firmly grasp the golden time of rescue." The community leader said.

Practice the original intention to solve people's difficulties

The "order ordering" service is embedded, which makes the community more prosperous

"You can change the social security card at your home, and the work of benefiting the people in the community is really in our heart!" Recently, the high-rise community of Xingshun Street, Tiexi District "moved" the service of replacing the second generation of social security card with the third generation of social security card "into the community from the bank, and was unanimously praised by the residents.

When visiting Hongwei Jindu Community, the grid staff learned that it is inconvenient for the elderly to go out and queue up when they go to the bank to apply for social security cards. As a result, the Party Committee of Gaolou Community, in conjunction with the Party Committee of the General Party Committee, jointly established the Party branch, ICBC Shenyang Economic and Technological Development Zone Sub branch Personal Financial Business Department, stationed in Hongwei Jindu Community, and carried out the service of replacing the third-generation social security card on the spot. 263 elderly residents completed the card replacement service in one day.

Change "difficulties" into "highlights", and make up for weaknesses in the "two neighbors" account

During the visit to special groups, the grid staff of Shenrui Community timely found that the gas cooker of Aunt Zhang, a low-income household in the Furniture Town Community, was old and had no flameout protection device. Through Xingshun Social Work Station, the grid staff, together with Tiexi Charity Federation and caring entrepreneurs, installed a safe and durable new gas stove for Aunt Zhang, which not only eliminated the potential gas safety hazards of residents in the area, but also effectively unblocked the safety "blockages" that affect people's well-being.

Beneficial service warms people's hearts

Create a service circle for the elderly at home to protect the elderly's happiness in their later years

"Thanks to the warm heart of our community, we can enjoy convenient medical care at home even if we can't get out!" said Zhang Shuping, a party member in difficulty who lives in the Furniture City Community of Shenrui Community, Xingshun Street, Tiexi District excitedly.

Xingshun Street of Tiexi District vigorously promotes the "Healthy Shenyang" livelihood project, so that residents can feel the reassurance of diagnosis and treatment at home without leaving home, and work together to promote the extension of the action of "relieving people's worries, relieving people's difficulties, and warming people's hearts" to aging services. For two years, in the middle of each month, medical experts from the five hospitals of the city have carried out free clinic activities in turn in the districts under their jurisdiction.

In order to meet the cultural and living needs of the old, middle and young generations in the district, Xingshun Street integrates resources to create a brand project of "Rongguang College" with Hongru Society, Huili Society and Zhumeng Society as the system.

Hongru Academy has opened 11 courses such as traditional Chinese painting and smart phone training, built five functional rooms such as calligraphy and painting rooms and cultural plaza, and constantly spread excellent traditional Chinese culture with rich cultural activities.

Huili Society focuses on "family education", "family emotion" and other issues, and helps residents establish good family relations and improve the communication and emotional exchange ability of family members through "parents salon", "parent-child activities" and other projects.

The Dream Building Society links the excellent league branches and associations of three universities in Shenyang to form a "star" volunteer team, which provides free tutoring for three disabled children with family difficulties in the area under its jurisdiction every week. At the same time, it carries out labor practice and volunteer service activities, so that children's after-school life is rich and colorful, and the red culture can be passed on from generation to generation.

"Along with the implementation of various practical matters of people's livelihood in Xingshun Street, Tiexi District, a picture of happy people's livelihood is slowly opening... Next, Xingshun Street will closely adhere to the foundation of people's livelihood, solve people's worries, relieve people's difficulties, warm people's hearts, further achieve 'people have their voice, I have what to do', and fully support the stable happiness of the people." The relevant person in charge of Xingshun Street said.

(Editor in charge: E Zhichao, Zeng Fan)

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