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Things around | Pedestrians crossing the separation belt, affecting traffic safety

08:01, April 1, 2024 | Source: People's Daily
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I often drive past the intersection of Wu'ai Street and Wenhua Road in Shenhe District, Shenyang, Liaoning. There is a hospital clinic on Wu'ai Street, and vehicles from all directions come and go frequently. A separation belt was originally built in the middle of the road. However, in order to save traffic, some pedestrians destroyed the green mesh separation belt in the middle and crossed the road directly from the separation belt, which is very dangerous. In fact, it is not far from the zebra crossing at the intersection, so pedestrians can bypass. In addition, due to the proximity to the hospital, there are many people holding small plates with the words "parking space" on the roadside, affecting driving safety.

It is hoped that the relevant departments will quickly rectify the traffic problems in this section, repair the isolation belt, strengthen guidance, and regulate roadside passenger solicitation, so that pedestrians can pass more safely and drivers can drive more confidently.

Ms. Wang, Shenyang, Liaoning

People's Daily (April 1, 2024, Version 07)

(Editor in charge: Zheng Huiyu, Zeng Fan)

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