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Promote cultural self-reliance, self-confidence and self-improvement under the guidance of Xi Jinping's cultural ideology

Wang Menghui
08:14, January 3, 2024 | Source: People's Daily
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Original title: Promoting cultural self-reliance, self-confidence and self-improvement under the guidance of Xi Jinping's cultural thought (in-depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping's thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era)

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "culture is the soul of a country and a nation." The Communist Party of China is a Marxist party with a high degree of cultural consciousness, and its centennial struggle is also the process of building a new culture and creating a new civilization. The history of China since modern times is not only a history of the Chinese nation's struggle from humiliation to standing up, becoming rich and strong, but also a history of cultural development of Chinese people's self-reliance, self-confidence and self-improvement at the spiritual level. Xi Jinping's cultural thought is rooted in the great practice of our party in promoting cultural construction, is a theoretical summary of the practical experience of the party's leadership in cultural construction in the new era, and opens up a new realm of sinicization and modernization of Marxist cultural theory. We should adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping's cultural ideology, fully implement the strategic deployment of the 20th CPC National Congress on cultural construction in the new era, consciously shoulder the new cultural mission, hold the banner, rally the hearts of the people, cultivate new people, revitalize culture, and show our image, constantly consolidate the common ideological basis for the unity and struggle of the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups, and constantly enhance the national cultural soft power and the influence of Chinese culture, To provide a strong ideological guarantee, a strong spiritual force and favorable cultural conditions for promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation.

   Deeply understand Xi Jinping's cultural ideology, adhere to the historical consciousness of cultural independence, and constantly consolidate the cultural subjectivity

Adhering to independence is one of the historical experiences of our party's hundred years of struggle, and is an important part of Xi Jinping's world outlook, methodology, and positions, viewpoints and methods of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era. As the cultural part of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, Xi Jinping's cultural thought fully embodies the important principles and historical essence of adhering to its own path and building the modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

Xi Jinping's cultural thought is a concentrated reflection of the Chinese nation's spiritual independence. The Chinese nation has a human history of millions of years, a cultural history of 10000 years, and a civilization history of more than 5000 years, making indelible contributions to the progress of human civilization. After the Opium War in 1840, the country was humiliated, the people suffered, and civilization was dusted. National independence implies spiritual independence and spiritual liberation. Since the founding of the Communist Party of China, it has taken building a national, scientific and popular new culture of the Chinese nation as its mission and actively promoted cultural prosperity and development. Comrade Mao Zedong pointed out in the New Democracy Theory that "we should not only turn a China that is politically oppressed and economically exploited into a China that is politically free and economically prosperous, but also turn a China that is ruled by the old culture and therefore ignorant and backward into a China that is ruled by the new culture and thus advanced in civilization." The Chinese nation has not only stood up politically, but also stood up culturally and spiritually in the historical process of continuing to advance revolution, construction and reform. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has had a deep insight into the development trend of human history, attached great importance to cultural construction, made a series of important statements, stressed that we must adhere to self-confidence and self-reliance, and China's problems must be addressed by the Chinese themselves from the perspective of China's basic national conditions; It emphasizes that accelerating the construction of philosophy and social science with Chinese characteristics is, in the final analysis, the construction of China's independent knowledge system; Emphasize that the Chinese style modernization is the modernization of continuing the ancient civilization, not the modernization of eliminating the ancient civilization, the modernization of growing out of the land of China, not copying the modernization of other countries, is the result of civilization renewal, not the product of civilization rupture; wait. Xi Jinping's cultural ideology inherits the exploration results and valuable experience of the leadership culture construction since the founding of the Party, and also keeps pace with the times and develops constantly, reflecting a high degree of historical consciousness.

To adhere to cultural independence, we must constantly consolidate cultural subjectivity. Any culture must have its own subjectivity if it wants to be able to stand up and go far, have leadership, cohesion, shaping power and radiation power. With cultural subjectivity, there will be a firm self in the cultural sense, cultural self-confidence will have a fundamental basis, the Communist Party of China will have a strong cultural force to lead the times, and the Chinese nation and people will have a solid cultural foundation for national identity. Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era is the essence of the times of Chinese culture and Chinese spirit. It is full of strong Chinese flavor, profound Chinese sentiment, and heroic national spirit, and is the most powerful embodiment of our cultural subjectivity. To constantly consolidate the cultural subjectivity, we should focus on the primary political task of arming the whole party and educating the people with the innovative theory of the Party, persevere in using Xi Jinping's socialist thought with Chinese characteristics for a new era to solidify our hearts and forge our souls, and work hard on learning, understanding, using, and deepening internalization and transformation, so as to better unify our thoughts, will, and actions. We will unswervingly follow the path of socialist cultural development with Chinese characteristics, base ourselves on the great historical practice and contemporary practice of the Chinese nation, develop a national, scientific and popular socialist culture that is oriented to modernization, the world and the future, firmly hold the destiny of China's development and progress in our own hands, and achieve spiritual independence. Always adhere to the Party's cultural leadership, strengthen the Party's overall leadership over ideological and cultural work, resolutely implement the principles of the Party governing propaganda, the Party governing ideology, and the Party governing media, and fully implement the requirements for politicians to run newspapers, magazines, stations, and news websites, so as to ensure that cultural construction does not lose itself or lose its direction.

   Deeply understand the distinctive characteristics of Xi Jinping's cultural ideology, strengthen cultural self-confidence, and tell Chinese stories well

To strengthen cultural self-confidence is a major issue related to the rise and fall of national fortunes, cultural security, and the independence of the national spirit. Without a high level of cultural self-confidence and cultural prosperity, there will be no great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The formal proposal of Xi Jinping's cultural thought marks a new height of our party's understanding of the law of socialist cultural construction with Chinese characteristics, a new height of our party's historical self-confidence and cultural self-confidence, and a milestone in the history of the development of our party's propaganda, ideology and culture.

Strengthening cultural self-confidence is an important manifestation of the original contribution of Xi Jinping's cultural thought to Marxist cultural theory. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has juxtaposed cultural confidence, road confidence, theoretical confidence and institutional confidence as the "four self-confidence" of socialism with Chinese characteristics, emphasizing that cultural confidence is a "more fundamental, broader and deeper confidence" and a "more fundamental, deeper and more lasting force"; It emphasizes confidence in the socialist road with Chinese characteristics, in theory, and in the system. In the final analysis, it is necessary to strengthen cultural confidence; It emphasizes that we should be good at extracting essence and energy from the treasure house of Chinese culture, and maintain high confidence in our cultural ideals and values. General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement clarifies the deep support of culture for the road, theory and system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, reveals the special importance of cultural self-confidence for the country and nation, and greatly expands the historical and cultural vision of adhering to and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. The new era calls for firm cultural confidence, and the new era casts firm cultural confidence. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "before the post-70s, post-80s, post-90s and post-00s go out to see the world, China can already look at the world in a level manner" "We are now the nearest era to the cultural renaissance of the Chinese nation. We are confident". The cultural construction of the new era has a myriad of prospects. The cultural confidence of the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups in China has been significantly enhanced and increasingly firm. Cultural confidence has been constantly integrated into the ethos and cultural character of the whole nation. Based on the firm cultural self-confidence, the Chinese spirit, Chinese values and Chinese strength show a magnificent atmosphere, and the Chinese people's ambition, backbone and confidence have been greatly enhanced, radiating a more active and powerful spiritual force.

Telling Chinese stories well is an inevitable requirement to strengthen cultural self-confidence. The Chinese civilization has a long history, is broad and profound, and has lasted for thousands of years. This is the miracle of human civilization, the biggest strength for us to strengthen our cultural confidence, and the foundation for us to stand firm in the turmoil of world culture. Our party has faithfully inherited, vigorously carried forward, innovated and developed the excellent traditional Chinese culture in the centennial struggle. Entering a new era, China is increasingly approaching the center of the world stage. We need to tell Chinese stories with more confidence and show a credible, lovely and respectable image of China. We should vigorously inherit and carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture, deeply dig, refine and display the wisdom and essence of the excellent traditional Chinese culture, fully stimulate cultural innovation and creativity, never forget the original, create the future, continue the historical context, and compose the contemporary Chinese chapter. Accelerate the construction of philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics, put forward new ideas and build new theories in the vivid practice of Chinese modernization, and comprehensively build a disciplinary system, academic system, and discourse system with Chinese characteristics, Chinese style, and Chinese style. Strengthen the construction of international communication capacity, deepen civilization exchanges and mutual learning, tell the story of the Communist Party of China's governance, the story of the Chinese people's struggle to realize their dreams, the story of China's adherence to peaceful development, cooperation and win-win situation, tell the reason why the Communist Party of China can, why Marxism works, why socialism with Chinese characteristics is good, and promote the solution of common problems of mankind We will promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind and contribute to China's wisdom, solutions and strength.

   Deeply understand the strong responsibility of Xi Jinping's cultural thought to promote cultural self-improvement, and deeply promote the "two combinations"

Culture revitalizes the country, and culture strengthens the nation. To strengthen cultural self-confidence is fundamentally to achieve cultural self-improvement and build a strong socialist cultural country and a modern civilization of the Chinese nation. Cultural self-improvement is the theme of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping, from a global and strategic perspective, has planned and promoted cultural construction in the grand vision of a grand historical view, emphasizing that the rejuvenation of a nation requires strong material strength as well as strong spiritual strength; Emphasize that the prosperity of a country and a nation is always supported by the prosperity of culture, and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation needs the development and prosperity of Chinese culture as the condition; It is emphasized that without the active guidance of advanced culture, the great enrichment of the people's spiritual world, and the continuous enhancement of the national spiritual strength, a country and a nation cannot stand among the nations in the world. Throughout the history of human society, the rejuvenation of any nation is accompanied by the prosperity of culture, and the decline of any country means the decline of culture. Without the "root" of culture, national rejuvenation will become a tree without roots. Since modern times, the process of the Chinese nation rising from tribulation, from national crisis to national rejuvenation is exactly the process of the rejuvenation of Chinese culture. The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation must be supported by the rejuvenation of culture, and it must also bring about the great development and prosperity of culture. Now, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered an irreversible historical process. The closer to this goal, the more we need to promote cultural prosperity and development, and inject strong cultural power into the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation.

"Two combinations" are our biggest magic weapon for success. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "When a country moves towards modernization, it should not only follow the general law of modernization, but also conform to its own reality and have its own characteristics." Chinese style modernization is a socialist modernization led by the Communist Party of China, which has both the common characteristics of modernization in various countries and Chinese characteristics based on its own national conditions. The key to Chinese characteristics lies in "two combinations". The "two combinations" contain the historical experience of exploring Chinese modernization. On the basis of long-term exploration and practice since the founding of New China, especially since the reform and opening up, and through theoretical and practical breakthroughs since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, our party has successfully promoted and expanded Chinese style modernization, summarized, put forward and thoroughly expounded the theory of Chinese style modernization, which is the process of constantly combining the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific reality The process of combining with Chinese excellent traditional culture. The "two combinations" reflect our Party's understanding of the laws of Chinese style modernization, and are the greatest magic weapon for our success. The "two combinations" point out the way forward for promoting Chinese style modernization. The road of socialism with Chinese characteristics came out under the guidance of Marxism, and also from the history of more than 5000 years of Chinese civilization. Only by adhering to and making good use of the "two combinations" can we promote the steady and long-term development of Chinese style modernization.

The people have faith, the nation has hope, and the country has strength. We must learn to thoroughly understand Xi Jinping's cultural thoughts, strengthen ideological and political guidance and values shaping, widely practice the socialist core values, vigorously promote the spiritual pedigree of the Chinese Communists with the great spirit of party building as the source, strengthen the leading position of mainstream values, foster the people's feelings of family and country, and constantly consolidate the common ideological foundation of unity and struggle. Vigorously advocate the new trend of the times, carry forward the spirit of labor, struggle, dedication, creativity, and thrift in the whole society, constantly improve the people's ideological awareness, moral standards, and civilization, and cultivate the social ethos of upholding virtue and being good and learning from the best. Accelerate the construction of complete communities, deepen the innovation of grass-roots governance systems and mechanisms led by party building, advocate residents to start from themselves and from the small things around them, promote the joint creation of a better environment and a happy life, jointly build and jointly govern and share a better home, enhance the sense of identity, belonging and pride of the community, and provide continuous cultural nourishment and spiritual impetus for Chinese modernization.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out when visiting the Hubei Provincial Museum Exhibition of Fine Cultural Relics in 2018: "Jingchu culture is an important part of the long history of Chinese civilization, and plays an important role in the history of the development of Chinese civilization." Hubei is the place where ancient human culture evolved, where Chu culture originated, where the new democratic revolution originated, and where advanced socialist culture flourished. We should thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping's cultural thought, adhere to cultural self-reliance, strengthen cultural self-confidence, promote cultural self-reliance, promote the creative transformation and innovative development of Jingchu culture, constantly create a new situation in the propaganda of ideological and cultural work, vigorously build a culturally strong province, better shoulder the new cultural mission of the new era, and create a new culture of our time.

(The author is the Secretary of the CPC Hubei Provincial Committee)

People's Daily (January 3, 2024, version 09)

(Editor in charge: Xiao Xin, Tang Jiayi)

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