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The administrator said that the optimization of business environment should be placed in a more prominent position

Zou Wenhui
December 22, 2023 08:11 | Source: People's Daily
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A good business environment is a booster of economic development. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed in the report to the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China that "to create a market-oriented, legalized and internationalized first-class business environment". In recent years, Hunan Loudi, driven by deepening reform and innovation and focusing on cost reduction, has continuously optimized the business environment, enhanced investment attraction, improved market openness, and promoted the quality and efficiency of development.

We will optimize government services and effectively reduce institutional costs. If the business environment is good, enterprises have the most say. Improving the efficiency and level of government services will help unleash the vitality of enterprises. We promote "one window acceptance, parallel approval, online processing, and multi trial integration" to further optimize government services. From January to November this year, the handling of administrative licensing matters decreased by 17.5% on average compared with the same period in 2021, and the processing time was also greatly shortened; Build and make good use of online "policy supermarket", timely push and interpret various preferential enterprise policies; The online "business environment direct train" was launched, and entrepreneurs' symposiums were held regularly to achieve "direct problem statement, direct appeals and direct service". The government environment is better, the system cost is lower, and enterprises have more confidence to invest and develop.

Integrate resources and build a platform to help reduce innovation costs. To better play the main role of enterprise innovation, policy guidance is indispensable. Focusing on the advantageous industrial chain of new steel materials, we deeply implemented the action of "innovation platform and double investment in R&D", built a public scientific innovation platform of "material valley", and provided strong support for enterprise R&D; Establish a science and innovation alliance, work together to tackle key common technologies, and take measures such as unveiling the list and taking the lead, difficult bidding, etc. to guide and support enterprises to increase R&D investment and improve R&D efficiency. Strengthen resource integration, deepen collaboration, reduce R&D costs and technical risks, and stimulate the innovative vitality and creative potential of enterprises.

Enlarge the industrial agglomeration effect and promote the reduction of logistics costs. It is very important to improve the circulation efficiency and reduce the logistics cost for improving the enterprise benefit. We give full play to the advantages of industrial agglomeration, constantly improve the nearby matching rate of raw materials and products, effectively reduce the logistics costs of enterprises, and then attract more high-quality enterprises to gather, forming a virtuous circle. At present, "Material Valley" has formed a production base of high strength steel, automobile plate, hydraulic oil cylinder, roller, fastener, etc. of considerable scale. At the same time, we will accelerate the construction of three-dimensional transportation system and build a highway rail water air intermodal transportation system. Enterprises are equipped nearby, with low logistics costs, better efficiency and stronger competitiveness.

Strengthen collaborative configuration and effectively reduce factor costs. To promote the efficient allocation of factor resources, it is necessary to establish a mechanism to promote the independent and orderly flow of production factors. We have created online "financial supermarket" and "talent supermarket" to promote accurate docking between supply and demand. For example, since the "Financial Supermarket" was launched online in July 2022, 27 financial institutions and 66900 small and medium-sized micro enterprises have settled in, launched 166 online financial products, provided loans of 13.374 billion yuan to enterprises, and the loan approval time was 55.5% shorter than before the launch; Since 2022, the "talent supermarket" has helped enterprises introduce more than 24000 talents. Enterprises will be more willing to invest if they strengthen the ability of industry and factor agglomeration, improve the efficiency of the combination and allocation of different factor resources, and create a better development environment.

Business environment is productivity, and business environment is development. On the new journey, we will put the optimization of business environment in a more prominent position, continue to innovate the system and mechanism, continue to increase reform efforts, help enterprises to reduce costs and increase efficiency, and strive to make the first-class business environment the "golden signboard" of Loudi's development, so that all kinds of enterprises can take root in peace of mind here and continue to become better, stronger and bigger.

(The author is the secretary of the CPC Loudi Municipal Committee in Hunan Province)

People's Daily (December 22, 2023, 5th Edition)

(Editor in charge: Xiao Xin, Tang Jiayi)

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