Library members went to Beijing to carry out study and education activities in the political morality education base for comprehensively strict governance of the party

In order to further study and implement Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, in combination with party discipline learning and education, and guide library party members and cadres to forge a strong party spirit and excellent style of work, on the morning of May 9, 2024, the party branch directly under the library organized party members to go to the Beijing Education Base for Comprehensive and Strict Governance of the Party and Political Ethics to carry out learning and education activities.


First of all, we visited the theme exhibitions of "Ming Da De", "Observing Public Morality" and "Strict Private Morality", and learned the important statements of General Secretary Xi Jinping on political morality construction and on comprehensively strengthening the discipline construction of the Party. From the firm belief that the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries are fearless in the face of various difficulties, I personally felt the importance of cultivating morality and abiding by party discipline for Communists, and earnestly realized that we should be in awe, guard against fear, and keep the bottom line. Then everyone walked into the martyrs' cemetery to remember the revolutionary martyrs and feel the red feelings. All the party members reviewed the oath of joining the party in the square in front of Ren Bishi's tomb.

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Everyone said that this activity gave everyone a vivid lesson in party discipline education. Through visiting the theme exhibition of political morality construction, paying homage to the monument of revolutionary martyrs, and reviewing the oath of joining the party, it educated and guided the party members and cadres in the library to carry forward the glorious tradition and fine style of the party, thoroughly learned and implemented the Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment of the Communist Party of China, and achieved discipline, knowledge, discipline Abide by discipline, constantly enhance the sense of integrity and self-discipline, fulfill their duties, serve teaching and scientific research, and contribute more to the development of school education.

Party branch directly under the library
May 10, 2024