College professional certification - preparation instructions for "books and materials supporting materials", etc

In order to cooperate with each college to do a good job in professional certification, according to the requirements of "China Engineering Education Professional Certification Association Engineering Education Certification Standard (2018)": "7. Support conditions: 7.2 Computer, network and library resources can meet the needs of students' learning and teachers' daily teaching and scientific research. The resource management is standardized and the sharing degree is high. ", The library will provide relevant supporting materials for the college. Please provide the following information and cooperation from colleges in need:

1 Please provide the course system of specific certification majors.
In order to make statistics of professional paper-based literature and professional electronic resources from more than 2.6 million books and about 100 databases as required.  
2. Please provide the list of students in the certification major (including student number)
In order to make statistics on the status of books borrowed by students of this major.
3 Please contact the library in advance. At least 2 weeks in advance.
Time processing is required for relevant statistics. It is impossible to take it as soon as possible.
4 Cooperate with the spot check of bachelor's papers (paper papers are kept in the library)
In order to ensure professional certification, please submit your bachelor's thesis in a timely and complete manner.
5 Others: Cooperate with the college to receive experts to visit the library for professional materials.  

(1) Certification support materials, etc.: Cui Yan
Tel: 51688538 (O), E-mail:
(2) Submission and spot check of bachelor's thesis: Mr. Yin
Tel: 5168696713466618875, E-mail: