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Lecture name: EBSCO
Lecture type: Online lectures
The platform has abstract indexes of more than 17100 journals and more than 6000 full-text journals (ASP+BSP), of which nearly 4000 are peer reviewed and more than 370 non periodical full-text publications, such as books, monographs, reports and conference papers. In particular, ASP has nearly 2000 full-text journals included in SCI/SSCI/AHCI at the same time.
Lecture name: IEEE Xplore
Lecture type: Online lectures
Lecture address 1: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/WsAoM_Y2Fxz5JeewQN0lPw Lecture address 2: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/YdmX4jYRedwqFlN-smRBMw IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) is a leading professional institution in the field of science and technology in the world. IEEE scientific and technological literature represents the latest and cutting-edge research and development trends in the world. Its interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research achievements and solutions will further stimulate scientific research institutions to generate new ideas and ideas, which will be transformed into innovative patents and new products.   As an online access platform for IEEE scientific and technological documents, IEEE Xplore Digital Library has collected more than 4.5 million full-text documents, providing scientific researchers with the most authoritative and cutting-edge scientific and technological achievements in the world's scientific and technological development. Its powerful retrieval tool makes it easier for scientific researchers to access the most advanced high-value documents in the world, and saves research and development investment of institutions, Improve the scientific research efficiency of employees. IEEE Xplore MOOC is IEEE's online training brand in China. All training is conducted through two channels - WeChat and QQ. Users can register according to the following course schedule and instructions to obtain detailed lecture guides and course handouts. In addition, IEEE Xplore MOOC will invite the chairman of IEEE student branch to share with you the role of IEEE in their learning life. (There are Silicon Valley software siege lions, young talents in academia, and senior researchers in Tencent. These big bulls will suddenly attack our QQ group in our MOOC course this semester, so please keep a wait-and-see attitude and never miss the opportunity to capture them.)  
Lecture name: Springer Nature
Lecture type: Online lectures
The 2019 Springer Nature online training lecture hall will continue to serve the readers, and will tell you in detail how to use the high-quality academic resources on the platform to promote your scientific research work, including hot topics related to contributions. Teachers and students are welcome to participate actively.
Lecture name: Web of Science
Lecture type: Online lectures
Lecture name: ProQuest
Lecture type: Online lectures
Lecture name: Wiley
Lecture type: Online lectures
Welcome to the online training video of Wiley Online Library platform. The online training video of Wiley Online Library (WOL) platform is designed to help you quickly get familiar with the WOL platform and facilitate your daily work and learning. The series includes the following chapters, each of which has been edited into a short video for easy access anytime, anywhere.