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Suggestions | The pet foster care industry needs standardized management

May 20, 2024 08:03 | Source: People's Daily
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During holidays, many people like to travel, which also gave birth to the pet foster care service industry. In recent years, on holidays, although the prices of many pet foster stores have risen, the business is still booming, even "one is hard to find".

With the rise of pet foster care services, the industry competition is becoming increasingly fierce. At the same time, the problems such as the disorder of the foster care price system, the disunity of service standards, and the imperfection of relevant qualifications are also increasingly prominent. For example, some pet foster care stores launch so-called VIP rooms and luxury rooms. It is expensive to foster a pet during the Spring Festival; Some businesses are suspected of false propaganda, poor service quality and feeding spoiled food to pets; Others are poorly managed, resulting in pet illness or even death.

To standardize the pet foster care industry, no matter the charging standard, foster care responsibilities and obligations, dispute resolution, etc., a "clear account" is required. On the one hand, it is necessary to strengthen supervision and improve industry service standards; On the other hand, for pet owners, when selecting foster pets, they should carefully confirm the qualification of the store, sign a written foster agreement, and clarify the health status, service content, risk responsibility, etc. of the pets.

Only by clarifying rules, strengthening supervision, and solving the problem of nonstandard foster care industry can consumers understand and feel more secure, and promote the pet foster care market to be more standardized and orderly.

Zhang Ming, Jiuquan City, Gansu Province

People's Daily (May 20, 2024, 07 Edition)

(Editor in charge: Zheng Huiyu, Zeng Fan)

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