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Surrounding Matters | Library Radio Loudly Disturbs Residents

April 15, 2024 08:24 | Source: People's Daily
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We are residents of Xinghewan Community, Chizhou City, Anhui Province. The community is built next to the library of Chizhou City, only separated by a small road. At 5:20 every morning, the library will broadcast on time. The loudspeaker is directed at the community and the sound is very loud. Almost all residents in the community can hear the broadcast clearly. The three buildings adjacent to the library are even more unbearable. Previously, it was broadcast twice a day, but recently it was broadcast three times a day. Before residents get up in the morning, they will be awakened by the sound of the broadcast. The relevant departments should pay attention to it, coordinate the library to turn down the radio volume, and give residents a clean morning.

Residents of Xinghewan Community, Chizhou, Anhui

People's Daily (April 15, 2024, edition 16)

(Editor in charge: Zhou Jiaying, Zeng Fan)

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