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"Harbin People's Proposal Collection" was launched on People's Online

10:09, March 26, 2024 | Source: People's Network
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2024 is the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and a key year to achieve the goals and tasks of the 14th Five Year Plan. In order to gather the wisdom of the people, take advice, and strive to write a new chapter of high-quality development and sustainable revitalization of Harbin, on March 26, the People's Proposal Solicitation Office of the CPC Harbin Municipal Committee and Harbin Municipal People's Government officially entered the People's Proposal on People's Network and launched "Harbin People's Advice Collection" activity

Now we are collecting opinions and suggestions from the whole society around the following aspects:

1、 Leading industrial revitalization with scientific and technological innovation;

2、 Expand investment, promote consumption and strengthen the initiative of domestic demand;

3、 Developing modern agriculture;

4、 Draw a new picture of the development of characteristic cultural tourism;

5、 Build a new highland open to the north;

6、 Promote reform in key areas to break through barriers;

7、 Improve the quality of urban functions;

8、 Ensure and improve people's livelihood;

9、 Overall development and security;

10、 Strengthen the government's self construction.

The people's proposal solicitation will last until October 31. The suggestions collected will be handled by the Harbin Municipal People's Advice Collection Office in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Measures of Harbin City for Handling Rewards for People's Advice Collection, organize the implementation of valuable suggestions, and reward outstanding people's suggestions.

The People's Proposal is a new platform for people's advice built by the People's Daily Online based on the "Leaders' Message Board", aiming to better play the role of the Internet in listening to people's voices and gathering people's wisdom.

Let's make suggestions for Harbin's high-quality development ↓↓↓

(Editor in charge: Peng Shuting, Shi Yunjuan)

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