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2023 Media series report of "doing practical things to solve people's worries"

The potholed road in Xiangshui Village has become "fragrant"

Zeng Fanshi, Tian Jiao, Li Chengwei
November 29, 2023 08:10 | Source: People's Network
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The snow is weakening, and people and cars are coming and going on a new asphalt village in Xinzhan Town, Jiaohe City, Jilin Province.

Early in the morning, Li Jianjun, who lives in Xiangshui Village, rode on the newly bought tricycle, humming a tune, and prepared to go to the town to buy daily necessities. "Now it's all right. The government has built a new road, and it only takes 10 minutes to go to the town." When talking about the new road in the village, Uncle Li was full of praise.

This flat new asphalt road is the only way out of Xiangxiangtun. Villagers point to it when they go out for medical treatment, shopping in the city, and visiting friends. However, more than a year ago, this road was the "evil road" in the eyes of the villagers.

What is the turning point for the transformation from "pothole road" to "asphalt road"?

"The road before, let alone the car, people have trouble walking"

In previous years, villagers in Xiangxiangtun would not go out on rainy days.

"There are many old people left behind in the village, and they have to struggle with the 'pits' and' muddy water 'on the road when they go out." Li Jianjun told reporters that the curved and potholed road in the village had seriously affected everyone's life in the past.

The dilapidated road to the village before Xiangshui Tunxiu. Photograph provided by respondents

During the visit, like Li Jianjun, there were many villagers who had difficulty in traveling before. Not only is life limited, but the export of agricultural products is also blocked by this road.

"In the summer of 2022, I wanted to take a taxi to the hospital in the town because of kidney stones and intestinal obstruction. I called several times, and the driver said, 'It's hard to walk on the road, and I can't pay any money.' I had no choice but to take a farm car to the hospital." Zhao Xiaofeng, 70, who has lived in Xiangshui Village for more than 40 years, said a lot about this road, "Our village is in the south of Xinzhan Town, which belongs to a remote mountain area. In the past, when it rained, the roads were in a mess. It was hard for people to walk, not to mention cars. Every autumn harvest, we had to raise the price of rice when we asked someone to transport it."

In desperation, the villagers took a try attitude and asked Li Chunbo, the son of Li Jianjun, to leave a message on the "Leaders' Message Board" of People's Daily Online for help.

 Repair the previous road surface. Photograph provided by respondents

Repair the previous road surface. Photograph provided by respondents

"The road from He'nan Tun to Xiangshui Tun in Xinzhan Town is dilapidated, and many sections are potholed, making it difficult for villagers to travel. This year, the rain is heavy, and some of the roadbed has been washed out of the pit. There is also a risk of collapse, so we need to build the road." On September 16, 2022, this message was delivered to the "Leaders' Message Board", Jilin Provincial Party Secretary plate.

This is also the turning point.

"How to solve the problem of the masses? We have to go to the village to find the answer"

"After seeing this message, we immediately sent it to the Jiaohe Municipal Party Committee Supervision Office through the Jilin Municipal Party Committee, clearly put forward the handling requirements and time limit for completion, and followed up and supervised as a key issue." Zheng Quan, a staff member of the Network Public Opinion Office of the General Office of the Jilin Provincial Party Committee, said that the most important thing in the province is not to delay the autumn harvest of villagers, "If the masses have difficulties, they must solve them, but what to do can't be decided in the office. They have to go to the village to find the answer."

Transfer, docking and coordination. In order to solve the travel problem of Xiangxiangtun villagers as soon as possible, this message was quickly transferred to the secretary of Jiaohe Municipal Party Committee. Under the supervision of the municipal party committee, Zhang Jiming, deputy director of Jiaohe Transportation Bureau, led a team to Xiangshui Village to assess the current situation of village roads.

 Road construction site. Drawings provided by Jiaohe Municipal Party Committee

Road construction site. Drawings provided by Jiaohe Municipal Party Committee

"The road surface does have defects such as broken boards and potholes," Zhang said. After on-site investigation, about 3 kilometers of road sections need to be repaired.

However, it is cold in the northeast, and the road surface is easy to freeze. It is far more difficult than expected to build roads.

"The construction period of the project and the handling of early procedures take a long time, so the weather in Jiaohe in October is no longer suitable for construction." After comprehensive consideration, Zhang Jiming proposed a preliminary solution: fill and repair with sand and gravel materials first.

After simple repair, the basic travel problem of villagers was temporarily solved, but the road repair plan was not terminated.

 Road construction site. Drawings provided by Jiaohe Municipal Party Committee

Road construction site. Drawings provided by Jiaohe Municipal Party Committee

After multiple preparations, in May 2023, the project will officially start bidding; In June, the road construction started; On October 10, the project was handed over for acceptance, and a new asphalt village road with a length of 3 kilometers and a width of 3.5 meters was officially delivered for use.

After the road is repaired, the villagers will no longer have to worry about leaving the village, and the corn from every household can also be successfully exported and sold at a good price.

 The tarmac village road after repair. Photographed by Shi Tianjiao on People's Daily Online

The tarmac village road after repair. Photographed by Shi Tianjiao on People's Daily Online

"This road is stable and easy to do, good thief."

"When I came back from winter and summer vacation, it was hard for Lute to walk. This time, I wanted to run home once I arrived."


Now, when it comes to the way out of the village, the villagers' faces are full of smiles.

"Always regard Jiaohe people as the biggest 'owners'"

"Satisfied, especially satisfied. Thank the government, thank the party!" After the village road was repaired, Li Chunbo received a return call from the Internet Public Opinion Office of the General Office of the Jilin Provincial Party Committee. Zheng Quan, the staff member, asked about the whole message handling process and the final implementation results in detail, and repeatedly confirmed that the road had been completed and put into use, and the villagers were satisfied, then hung up the phone with confidence.

 The villagers showed the repaired roadbed to reporters. Photographed by Li Chengwei, reporter of People's Daily Online

The villagers showed the repaired roadbed to reporters. Photographed by Li Chengwei, reporter of People's Daily Online

"Our pursuit of work is not just to do things, but to do things to the hearts of the masses." Zheng Quan told reporters, "Since the theme education was carried out, we have taken the People's Online 'Leaders Message Board' as an important channel to listen to the public opinion, check the situation of the people, and solve the people's concerns, and we have worked hard to do the 'delivered to the door' work with our heart and feelings."

Not only this road, but also Xiangshui Village. In the past three years, Jiaohe City has invested a total of 770 million yuan to rebuild 930 kilometers of rural roads, benefiting 160000 rural people. "At present, the biggest weakness in rural areas is infrastructure. We found in our actual investigation and visit that the rural roads are in disrepair for a long time, which is the problem that the villagers reflect more intensively." Wang Wei, the mayor of Jiaohe City, told reporters that since the theme education was launched, Jiaohe City has carried out a lot of research work on rural revitalization in combination with local conditions, "I often browse the Jiaohe section of the 'Leaders Message Board', and the relevant municipal leaders lead the implementation, timely supervision, on-site promotion and first-line solution of major and minor issues."

 Wang Wei, Mayor of Jiaohe City. Photographed by Shi Tianjiao on People's Daily Online

Wang Wei, Mayor of Jiaohe City. Photographed by Shi Tianjiao on People's Daily Online

"We always regard the people of Jiaohe as the biggest 'owners'. When the people are happy, we can rest assured." Wang Wei said, "Jiaohe should focus on the development of characteristic agricultural industry, establish an effective connection between farmers and consumers through the Internet, and make the agricultural products here popular online, so that good products can be sold at a good price and farmers' pockets can be inflated."

All roads lead to prosperity. In the future, good policies to help farmers increase their income will be implemented in Jiaohe one after another.

 Li Jianjun and his son are cleaning the snow outside their home. Photographed by Zeng Fan, a reporter of People's Daily Online

Li Jianjun and his son are cleaning the snow outside their home. Photographed by Zeng Fan, a reporter of People's Daily Online

Before leaving, the reporter returned to Xiangxiangtun again. A sudden heavy snow made the weather extremely cold.

On the way to the village, many villagers were clearing the snow at their homes. Li Jianjun and his son were also busy with brooms and shovels. "Now big guys can cherish this road. The government has repaired the road for us, and we need to maintain it well, so that we can walk for a long time!" Li Jianjun said with a smile.

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(Editor in charge: Peng Shuting, Wang Zhe)

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