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What treatment do vice investigators of military cadres enjoy? View Level

2023-02-27 09:56:26 Military Talent Network https://jzg.huatu.com/ Source: Huatu Education

[Introduction] Huatu Military examination channel Simultaneous release of Huatu Education: What treatment do vice investigators of military cadres enjoy? View Level , please read below for details! Welcome to join WeChat communication groups everywhere , please log in for more relevant exam content [Entrance Examination] View.

Collection of military examination materials

The demobilized military cadres are an integral part of the Party and national cadre team, an important talent resource, and an important force in the socialist modernization drive. The demobilized military cadres who have made sacrifices and contributions to national defense and military building should be respected and given preferential treatment by the state and society.

Those above platoon level who have been granted the corresponding military rank are called officers Relocation Is called Military cadres

Correspondence between non leading posts and original posts of military transferred cadres:

(1) Administrative cadre

Full operation → → Chief staff member;

Deputy battalion officer → → Deputy chief staff member;

Chief and deputy company leaders → → section staff;

Roster → → Clerk.

(2) Technical cadre

Technical level 8, 9 and 10 → → chief section staff;

Technical level 11 → → Deputy chief staff member;

Technical level 12 and 13 → → Section staff;

Technical level 14 → → Clerk.

At what level can China's military be transferred to civilian work?

However, no matter what level you are at, whether the military transferred cadres are administrative or technical, if you go to a unit and are civil servants, it depends on the unit which section staff, deputy chief section staff, chief section staff or deputy investigator investigators are assigned to you.

(Editor: liap)
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