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How to fill in the 2023 military service registration before high school graduation

2023-03-28 10:45:55 Military Talent Network https://jzg.huatu.com/ Source: Huatu Education

[Introduction] Huatu Military examination channel Simultaneous release of Huatu Education: How to fill in the 2023 military service registration before high school graduation , please read below for details! Welcome to join WeChat communication groups everywhere , please log in for more relevant exam content [Recruitment] View.

Collection of military examination materials

How to fill in the recruitment form before graduation from high school

Fill in junior high school graduation

If you do not meet the minimum educational requirements, you also need to go to the military examination (the military service law does not list the minimum educational requirements)

Primary school education is almost impossible (unless you have a good physical quality or a special skill recruited by the army)

According to the Military Service Law of the People's Republic of China, male citizens who have reached the age of 18 by December 31 of each year shall be enlisted for active service. If they were not enlisted that year, they may be enlisted again for active service before the age of 22.

Statement: The content is integrated by the editor in combination with the relevant knowledge of the official website and the Internet. If there is any error in the content, please contact to delete it.

(Editor: ABCD)
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