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Zhengzhou Campus of the Army Artillery Air Defense College: "Open Classroom" Expanding Education Position

2022-08-16 13:44:38 Military Talent Network https://jzg.huatu.com/ Source: Huatu Education

[Introduction] Huatu Military examination channel Simultaneous release of Huatu Education: Zhengzhou Campus of the Army Artillery Air Defense College: "Open Classroom" Expanding Education Position , please read below for details! Welcome to join WeChat communication groups everywhere , please log in for more relevant exam content [promoted by soldiers] View.

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Zhengzhou Campus of Army Artillery Air Defense College

"Open Classroom" Expands Education Position

People's Liberation Army News Chen Xia and reporter Liu Wei reported that "political work is the work of the Party to lead and control the army, and it is our army's unique skill, greatest feature and greatest advantage..." Recently, Ma Fengshi, a professor in the grass-roots political work teaching and research section of the Zhengzhou campus of the Army Artillery Air Defense College, was in the Memorial Hall of the Anti Japanese Base in western Henan, Explain the fine tradition of our military political work to officers and soldiers in combination with the struggle stories of revolutionary ancestors. This is a scene where the campus creates an "open classroom" through on-site teaching.

Combined with the rich red resources in the station, the campus relies on the Revolutionary Museum of the capital of Hubei Henan Anhui Soviet Area, Memorial Hall of the Anti Japanese Base in Western Henan, etc. to establish a theoretical teaching base, regularly organize on-site teaching, guide officers and soldiers to understand the revolutionary spirit of their ancestors, remember their responsibilities, and devote themselves to the practice of building a strong military.

"We adhere to the 'open door' approach to education, connect in class and out of class, campus and off campus, combine classroom teaching with on-site teaching, comprehensive drills and other activities, and constantly expand the position of ideological and political education." Leaders of the campus said that they combined the ideological reality of young students, focused on building a network education platform, and through the "immersive experience+online interaction+practical activities" model, On line and offline, we should simultaneously walk away from the road of hybrid teaching, and improve the effectiveness of ideological and political education in the full media linkage and three-dimensional communication.

At the same time, they pay attention to the classroom teaching and deepen the education effect, and guide the students to put forward and think about problems in combination with the practice of military training and preparation through the activities such as speech and reading exchange 5 minutes before class; The "round table" discussion, "situational" teaching, "problem chain" inspiration and other teaching methods are adopted to enable students to deepen their understanding and improve their understanding in discussion, analysis and analysis.

Education enters the mind and stimulates the power of martial arts. While focusing on education, the campus also pays attention to transforming educational achievements into the motivation for students to make contributions to the military camp through strong atmosphere, major activities and typical example incentives. Not long ago, the campus carried out post selection for graduation, and the students who ranked high in the comprehensive ranking chose to go to the remote and difficult areas to serve in the army or front-line posts. Everyone said that they would base themselves on their own positions and strive for excellence.

(Editor: ABCD)
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