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2021 Guizhou College Students' Military Recruitment Interview (II)

2021-07-10 15:49:13 Military Talent Network https://jzg.huatu.com/ Source: Guizhou Branch

[Introduction] Huatu Military examination channel Synchronously released by Guizhou Branch: 2021 Guizhou College Students' Military Recruitment Interview (II) , please read below for details! Welcome to join WeChat communication groups everywhere , please log in for more relevant exam content [Prepare for examination] View.

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You are a new employee. The leader sent an old employee over 50 years old to complete the work with you. How should you complete the work?

[Reference analysis]

As a new employee, it is our unshirkable responsibility and obligation to be good at communication, communication and cooperation with colleagues, and to complete the work with quality and quantity guaranteed. If we cannot cooperate well with the old employees, it may affect the harmonious working atmosphere between me and my old colleagues, or even fail to achieve the expected work goals. If faced with such a situation, I will take the following steps to complete the work:

1. Adjust your attitude before work, respect your old colleagues, and complete the work with the attitude of learning from the seniors. The reason why the leaders send the old employees to complete the work with me is that the leaders want me to learn more and accumulate experience with my old colleagues. I can not disappoint the leaders who want to cultivate my mind, More importantly, we should complete the work assigned to us by our leaders in a full spirit.

2. In the process of work, we should learn more from and consult with our old colleagues. Before work, we can ask our old colleagues for their suggestions, and carefully record their experience. At the same time, we should make work records in the process of work, and mark the problems encountered in the work in detail. We can ask our old colleagues for advice in their spare time, Understand and understand the problems that cannot be understood. On the other hand, my old colleague is older, so I should also help him as much as I can, such as chores and physical work in the work. Genes that can be independently undertaken should be actively undertaken.

3. When the work is completed, the work results shall be evaluated and reviewed in a timely manner to see if there are any problems and omissions in details in this work, and the work shall be checked with the old staff in a timely manner. If there are problems, they shall be corrected in a timely manner, and reported to the leader after confirmation

As a new public official, we should keep an open attitude, make constant efforts in the work, forge ahead, and maintain a good working atmosphere in the work, so that we can truly assume the responsibilities entrusted to us by public officials

(Editor: donghaiyang)
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