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Nanchang, Jiangxi Province: Ecological Beauty of Urban Wetlands

08:19, May 24, 2024 | Source: People's Daily Online Jiangxi Channel
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 Nanchang Yuzhouwan Wetland Park. Photographed by Shi Yu, a reporter of People's Daily Online
Nanchang Yuzhouwan Wetland Park. Photographed by Shi Yu, a reporter of People's Daily Online

People's Daily Online, Nanchang, May 24 (Reporter Shi Yu) The reporter learned on the 23rd that the "Nanchang Forestry Biodiversity Conservation Bulletin" was officially released a few days ago. The bulletin shows that Nanchang has formed a wetland ecological pattern of "one river, ten rivers, and hundreds of lakes". The total area of wetlands accounts for 25.3% of the city's land area, the protection rate of natural wetlands reaches 56%, and there are six important wetlands, covering an area of 642000 mu.

Nanchang has a superior natural environment. Since ancient times, it has been a place with three rivers and five lakes. It has unique natural endowments, profound history and culture. The territory is densely covered with rivers and lakes, lush mountains, vast wetlands, diverse plant species, diverse animal species, and rich biodiversity.

According to statistics, the forest area of Nanchang City is 1.8585 million mu, the wetland area is 2.73 million mu, and the grassland area is 76900 mu. By the end of 2023, there are 2099 species of vascular plants in Nanchang, including 1726 species of wild plants, and 30 species listed in the National Key Protected Wild Plants List; There are 489 kinds of terrestrial wild animals recorded in the monitoring, including 23 kinds of first class protected wild animals and 78 kinds of second class protected wild animals.

In recent years, Nanchang has continuously strengthened the protection of forest biodiversity through the establishment of an international wetland city, the construction of a forest city, and the investigation of wildlife resources. At the same time, relying on the lakes and rivers in the city, a number of urban water bodies and wetland parks have been established that integrate leisure, recreation and ecological protection of citizens, basically forming a wetland protection system "based on wetland national nature reserves, supplemented by provincial wetland parks, local nature reserves, and important habitat for migratory birds", and realizing "clean water, green banks, birds flying, and fish jumping" A new scene of urban ecology.

(Editor in charge: Mao Siyuan, Shuai Jun)

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