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Yin Hong stressed on the opening ceremony of Jiangxi Provincial Party Leaders' Party Discipline Learning and Education Reading Class

Consciously learn discipline, know discipline, observe discipline, always be loyal and clean, take responsibility, and provide strong discipline guarantee for struggling to write a chapter of Chinese modernization in Jiangxi

Ye Jianchun Chairs Wu Zhongqiong to Attend

09:19, May 7, 2024 | Source: jiangxi daily
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On May 6, the reading class of Party discipline learning and education for provincial party members and leading cadres opened in the Party School of the Provincial Party Committee. Yin Hong, the secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, attended and delivered a speech at the opening ceremony. He stressed that we should thoroughly study and understand the important statement of General Secretary Xi Jinping on discipline construction, fully understand the significance of strengthening discipline construction, deeply carry out the study and education of party discipline, deeply promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the party, guide the majority of party members and cadres to consciously learn and observe discipline, and earnestly follow the direction of party discipline We should establish rules, improve the atmosphere and strengthen immunity, always be loyal, clean and responsible, and provide strong discipline guarantee for writing the chapter of Chinese style modernization in Jiangxi.

Ye Jianchun, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor, presided over the meeting, and Wu Zhongqiong and other on-the-job provincial leaders attended the meeting.

Yin Hong pointed out that to carry out Party discipline learning and education in the whole Party is a major decision and deployment made by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, an important measure to strengthen the Party's discipline building and promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party to develop in depth, which is of great significance to maintain the Party's advanced nature and purity, and ensure that our Party will never deteriorate, change color, and remain unchanged. We should firmly grasp that strict discipline is the fine tradition and unique advantage of our party, deeply understand the important statement of General Secretary Xi Jinping on discipline construction, study the Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Disciplinary Punishment in its original form, consciously correct our thoughts and actions with party rules and discipline, earnestly learn, know, understand and abide by discipline, and constantly enhance the sense of discipline, strengthen self-discipline Improve immunity and better shoulder the mission and responsibility of promoting the practice of Chinese style modernization in Jiangxi.

Yin Hong closely revolved around the Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Disciplinary Action, and thoroughly expounded the gist and requirements of the "six disciplines". He stressed that political discipline should be strictly observed and honest people should always be loyal to the Party. We will unswervingly use Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to forge the soul, deeply understand the decisive significance of "two establishment", resolutely achieve "two maintenance", adhere to the leadership of the Party, take a quasi political direction, firmly establish and practice the correct concept of political achievements, and ensure that we are loyal to the Party and absolutely reliable at all times and in all circumstances. We should be strict in organizational discipline and conscientiously enhance organizational discipline. Fully implement the organizational line of the Party in the new era, conscientiously implement democratic centralism, strictly implement the rules of decision-making of the leadership, seriously enforce the political life within the Party, strengthen organizational awareness, strictly observe organizational discipline, actively accept organizational management, and always believe in, rely on and obey the organization. We should be strict in honesty and discipline, and build a solid defense against corruption. We should firmly establish a correct view of power, status, and interests, strictly abide by the spirit of the eight point rule of the Central Committee, persevere in correcting the "four styles", and establish a new trend. We should resolutely break down the idea and behavior of privileges, know fear, guard against fear, and keep the bottom line, consciously accept supervision from all aspects, and always maintain the integrity of public servants. We should exercise strict mass discipline and maintain close ties with the people. Keep in mind the fundamental purpose of the Party, always adhere to the original mission, model the mass line, strictly abide by the Party's mass discipline, make greater efforts to rectify the unhealthy practices and corruption around the masses, and earnestly take responsibility for and benefit the people. We should be strict in work discipline and fulfill our duties in a responsible and practical manner. Always know the responsibility in mind, bear the responsibility in the body, and perform the responsibility in the line. Concentrate on development, go all out to implement, dare to struggle, be good at tackling difficulties, resolutely rectify formalism and bureaucracy, and continue to empower the grassroots to reduce their responsibilities. We should be strict in life discipline, and be strict in self-cultivation and self-discipline. Carry forward the fine style of hard work, diligence and thrift, improve the Party spirit cultivation, ideological realm and moral level, consciously purify the life circle and communication circle, pay attention to the construction of family education and family style, and practically drive the social style and people's style to improve with the good Party style.

Yin Hong stressed that we should pay close attention to the study and education of Party discipline with a high degree of political consciousness. We should pay special attention to learning and training, focus on the Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment of the Communist Party of China, organize party members and cadres to learn from the original, chapter by chapter, give full play to the red resource advantages of our province, and make the party discipline learning more vivid. We should deepen the promotion of learning through cases, take typical cases as a "living textbook" to explain virtue, discipline, responsibility and responsibility through cases, enrich warning education carriers, and keep discipline and rules on alert. We should firmly avoid formalism, adhere to the practical guidance and style, make overall arrangements, promote learning and discussion, warning education, interpretation training, inspection and improvement, promote learning and education into daily life, focus on regular work, and ensure effectiveness. We should adhere to the combination of learning and application, adhere to the two pronged approach, and strive to transform the political enthusiasm of learning and education into a strong driving force for overcoming difficulties and undertaking.

Yin Hong stressed that discipline is the standard and compliance for Party members and cadres to restrain their own behavior. We should give full play to the role of leading cadres as the "key minority", take the lead in learning first and deeply, take the lead in comparison and inspection, self policing and self-examination, take the lead in strict discipline, strictly control the jurisdiction, set an example in learning, knowing, understanding and abiding by discipline, and lead Party members and cadres across the province to abide by rules and disciplines, work and start businesses with the exemplary action of deep learning and practice, Strive to write the chapter of Chinese style modern Jiangxi.

On the first day of the reading class, Wang Yuguang, Deputy Director of the Sixth Supervision and Inspection Office of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission, was invited to give a coaching report.

Secretary of the municipal Party committee with districts and Secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, main responsible comrades of all departments of the provincial Party committee, all units directly under the provincial government, provincial colleges and universities, and the party group (party committee) of provincial enterprises attended. (All media reporter Wei Xing)

(Editor in charge: Luo Na, Mao Siyuan)

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