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Jiangxi: extended patrol coverage of more than 20000 village (community) party organizations

More than 20000 village (community) Party organizations across the province have been extended to patrol the whole province, more than 70000 problems have been found and fed back, and more than 60000 have been rectified... Jiangxi has steadily promoted the extension of city and county patrols to villages (communities), and made efforts to open up the "last mile" of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party.

Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee insists on promoting village (community) patrol work as an important starting point to promote the comprehensive extension of strict Party governance to the grass-roots level and improve the grass-roots governance ability, and has improved the working pattern of "provincial coordination, municipal promotion, county responsibility, and participation of township, village and county related functional departments".

"The county (city, district) party committee inspected the village (community) party organization under its jurisdiction once in a term of office" "timely reminded and interviewed people who did not take the initiative and in a timely manner to study the extension of village (community) inspection, the inspection quality was not high and the coverage rate was low, and urged them to make rectification within a time limit"... In 2019, Jiangxi issued relevant documents to make deployment to promote the extension of city/county inspection to the village (community), Promote the implementation of responsibilities at all levels and solve key and difficult problems.

At the same time, the province has compiled and printed a manual to standardize the inspection work of city and county party committees, established a standardized contact point system at the county level for inspection work, and a system for leaders of the provincial party committee inspection office to contact and guide city and county inspection work in sections. "Strengthen guidance and supervision through special inspection, on-site guidance and supervision and other ways to promote the integration of physical coverage and effective coverage," said the relevant responsible comrades of Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee Inspection Office.

On this basis, all cities and counties in Jiangxi have established an organizational leadership system under the unified leadership of the Party committee, the organization and coordination of the leading group, and the implementation of the inspection organization. The extended inspection work of villages (communities) has been included in the annual work priorities of the Party committee, and the road map for the inspection of village (community) Party organizations has been listed, and "list warfare" and "construction according to the map" have been implemented, Ensure full coverage of patrol inspection with high quality.

All parts of Jiangxi adhere to local conditions, flexibly use the modes of "township inspection leading villages", direct inspection, special inspection, etc., and orderly promote the extension of city and county inspection to villages (communities).

"Direct tour of the village" hit the nail on the head. Based on a comprehensive analysis of the notification of discipline inspection, letters and visits, public security and other departments, the county patrol team will directly patrol the key villages (communities) with weak and lax Party organizations, many problems reported by the masses, concentrated contradictions, strong policy support, funds intensive, and rich resources, and form a separate patrol report to promote problem solving.

Three dimensional coverage of "visiting villages and towns". When carrying out patrols in villages and towns with more villages (communities), integrate discipline inspection, supervision, organization, finance, audit and other forces, and carry out extended patrols in the village (community) party organizations under their jurisdiction to form a separate list of problems.

"Special patrol" works precisely. Through carrying out special patrols such as poverty alleviation and anti mafia, we carried out political physical examination on the implementation of the major decisions and deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the work requirements of the provincial party committee in the village (community) and other grass-roots "nerve endings", so as to achieve precise treatment.

Insist that the masses patrol whatever they care about most and correct whatever they hate most. Yongxiu County investigated and dealt with the problem of a village illegally obtaining villagers' winter and spring relief funds through patrols, deployed special governance of "four funds" for migration, five guarantees, social security, and agricultural security, and recovered more than 2.7 million yuan of various illegal and disciplinary funds. Statistics show that there are 5937 problem clues handed over to extended patrols of villages (communities) in Jiangxi, involving 6466 party members and cadres, 2042 people on file, 1985 people given party discipline and government sanctions, and 52 people transferred to judicial authorities for processing.

Implementation of rectification and application of results are the foothold of patrol work. Jiangxi has done a good job in patrolling the "second half of the article" to win the trust of the people with the actual results of rectification.

Fuliang County and Ruijin City divided the inspection and rectification into three levels: problems that can be solved by the village (community) itself, matters that need to be solved at the township level, and feedback to relevant functional departments at the county level to promote the problem rectification. They established a list of problems, a list of responsibilities, and a list of tasks by category, defined the rectification measures and time limit, and compacted the rectification responsibilities at all levels. Shicheng County has set up a leading group for supervision work. According to the three time nodes of self inspection and self correction, supervision and inspection, and consolidation and improvement, the work of "starting from the bottom and making major rectification" has been carried out in an orderly manner, and the problems fed back by patrol inspection have been pushed to the bottom.

In addition, the discipline inspection and supervision authorities and organization departments at all levels in Jiangxi also gave priority to the study and judgment of the problem clues handed over by the patrols, carefully checked them, and made every effort to rectify corruption and unhealthy practices around the masses.

In view of the common problems found during the inspection, all regions actively build a long-term mechanism to deepen the treatment of both symptoms and root causes. Wuyuan County, according to the problems found during the inspection, such as excessive entertainment fees at the village level and arbitrary fees for the approval of homestead, has successively formulated and promulgated systems at the county level, such as "zero entertainment" at the village level, and management measures for rural residents to build houses; Xiangdong District urged the civil affairs, housing construction and housing management departments to jointly issue the "three list publicity" and "three level identification" regulations in response to the problems of good relatives, friends, and dark box operations in the implementation of policies such as the distribution of rural minimum living allowances and the renovation of dilapidated houses, so as to achieve the effect of "patrolling one village, standardizing one category, and rectifying one area".

The relevant responsible comrades of Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee Inspection Office said that the next step will take the opportunity to achieve full coverage of grass-roots inspection and supervision, do a good job of summary and review, carefully plan the work plan of the new party committee inspection, and promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the party at the grass-roots level. (Fang Qingqiao, the responsible editor of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Jiangxi Province)

(Editor in charge: Qiu Ye, Mao Siyuan)

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