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In 2024, the first stage of admission control score of ordinary colleges and universities in Jiangsu Province is released

07:08, June 25, 2024|
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Jiangsu general undergraduate history and other subjects score 478 points, physics and other subjects score 462 points.

The 2024 college entrance examination volunteer filling is divided into two stages. After knowing the college entrance examination results, academic level examination results, position information, and provincial admission control score lines of each batch, candidates can fill in online applications in two stages on the portal website of the Provincial Education Examination Institute (www.jseea. cn) or a special website: the first stage is from June 28 to July 2 (the deadline is 17:00 on July 2), and fill in the applications of professional groups of undergraduate institutions, Including advance batch of general undergraduate volunteers, including military, public security, political and legal, navigation, local special plans, rural teacher plans, other colleges and universities; Undergraduates in sports or arts will volunteer in advance; Batch of general undergraduate volunteers; Special plan for colleges and universities, comprehensive evaluation enrollment (Class B colleges and universities), high-level sports team volunteer. The second stage is from July 27th to 28th (the deadline is 17:00 on July 28th). Fill in the volunteers of professional groups of colleges and universities in the junior college batch. Candidates who have not been admitted to each batch of colleges and universities in the first stage can fill in the application, including the batch of general, sports and art college volunteers.

After the admission of each batch of parallel volunteers (including artistic traditional (sequential) volunteers), the Provincial Education Examination Institute will timely announce the professional groups, majors (categories) and number of plans of colleges and universities that have not completed the enrollment plan. Candidates who have not been admitted and meet the requirements for filling in the application form will fill in the application form online within the specified time. (Yang Pinping and Cheng Xiaolin)

Source: Xinhua Daily · Intersection

(Editor in charge: Huang Zhuyan, Zhang Xin)

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