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Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education issued a notice requiring students to prevent drowning

May 23, 2024 07:12 | Source: Nanjing Morning Post
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At present, the weather is getting hot, the flood season is coming, the wading and swimming behaviors of primary and secondary school students are increasing, and the drowning accidents of students have entered a high incidence period. A few days ago, the Provincial Education Department issued a notice requiring schools all over the country to do a good job in preventing students from drowning and fully protect the lives of primary and secondary school students. Let's see the details——

1、 Further strengthen safety education against drowning. All schools around the country should carry out various forms of anti drowning publicity and education by means of inside and outside the classroom, online and offline, take anti drowning as an important part of implementing the "1530" safety education, educate students to strengthen self-protection, consciously stay away from danger, and remember the "six no's" of anti drowning Principle (that is, do not swim privately, do not swim with others without authorization, do not swim without the guidance of parents or teachers, do not swim in waters without safety facilities and rescue personnel, do not swim in unfamiliar waters, and do not swim in water to rescue students who are not familiar with water). Where conditions permit, swimming education and self rescue and mutual rescue skills training should be widely carried out for primary and secondary school students. At the same time, primary and secondary schools should organize a special parent meeting on drowning prevention to explain the seriousness of the situation, introduce the knowledge of drowning prevention safety, clarify the legal responsibilities of student guardians, and enhance parents' awareness of drowning prevention safety.

2、 Further strengthen the investigation of potential drowning prevention. Local education departments should take the initiative to work with natural resources, water conservancy, agriculture and rural areas, housing and urban and rural construction, culture and tourism departments to carry out a comprehensive investigation and rectification of potential safety hazards in reservoirs, rivers, lakes, ponds, etc. within their administrative areas, urge relevant departments to fully implement their responsibilities in water management, set up safety warning signs for key water areas, set up safety isolation belts Protective fence and other protective facilities, promote the implementation of the "four one" construction of one warning board, one lifebuoy, one lifeline, and one lifeguard pole, and improve the drowning prevention system of "civil defense+technical defense+material defense". Each school should thoroughly investigate the potential safety hazards in the campus waters, strictly implement various protective measures, ensure the safety of the waters, and strictly prevent drowning accidents in the campus.

3、 Further strengthen the implementation of drowning prevention responsibilities. Fully strengthen the organization and leadership of drowning prevention work, improve the system and mechanism of drowning prevention work, compact the responsibilities of all parties, and ensure that drowning prevention work is managed, grasped, and checked. It is necessary to send a letter of drowning prevention to parents in a timely manner and ask them to sign for confirmation, urge parents to earnestly perform their guardianship responsibilities, and ensure the safety of students' life and health.

4、 Further strengthen the warning of drowning prevention. From now on to the end of summer vacation, all schools should incorporate drowning warning into their regular work, and send drowning warning information to each student and parent at least once a week through WeChat, SMS, home school communication and other means.

5、 Further strengthen the supervision and inspection of drowning prevention. Local education supervision departments should strengthen the supervision and inspection of student drowning prevention work, urge local compaction work responsibilities, and ensure that all preventive measures are in place. All localities should incorporate the situation of drowning prevention into the evaluation of education quality and the evaluation of education administration, school principals and teaching staff as a prerequisite for the evaluation of excellence. It is necessary to regularly carry out special inspection on drowning prevention work, urge all schools around the country to pay close attention to the work of drowning prevention, and circulate a notice of criticism and seriously pursue accountability for students who drown due to the failure to implement work responsibilities, inadequate management measures, and out of control leakage in key waters. (Yang Pinping and Cheng Xiaolin)

(Editor in charge: Zhang Xin, Zhang Yan)

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