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Ten cities in Jiangsu have officially announced that it will be fine in the next three days

May 23, 2024 07:04 | Source: Yangzi Evening News
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According to the statistics of the provincial meteorological observatory, as of May 22, 10 cities in Jiangsu have announced that they have officially entered the ranks of summer, except Xuzhou, Lianyungang and Yancheng.

According to the Nanjing Meteorological Observatory, according to the comprehensive analysis of monitoring and forecasting data, summer began in Nanjing on May 17 this year, earlier than the average time of summer (May 26). In addition, this spring lasted 68 days (March 11). The recent weather background is relatively stable. In the next three days, the weather in Nanjing will still be dominated by cloud system changes. Sunshine will continue to be online, and there will be occasional scattered thunderstorms in the afternoon. The temperature will rise steadily in the future, and the highest temperature in the city is expected to exceed 33 ℃ by the 26th.

Yesterday, it was cloudy to overcast in the whole province, and there was light rain in some parts of southern Jiangsu. Yesterday, the highest temperature in the whole province rebounded from the previous day, and the highest temperature in Xuzhou returned to above 30 ℃ again. In the next three days, the province will be dominated by sunny weather, and the temperature will continue to rise today and tomorrow. It is predicted that the maximum temperature today is 31~32 ℃ in the regions along Huaihe River and north Huaihe River, 26~27 ℃ in the southeast of the province, and 29 ℃ in other regions; Minimum temperature: about 20 ℃ in the northwest of the province, 15~16 ℃ in the east of the province, and 17~18 ℃ in other regions. Tomorrow's maximum temperature: 33~34 ℃ in the northwest of the province, 28~29 ℃ in the southeast of the province, and about 31 ℃ in other regions; Minimum temperature: about 17 ℃ in the eastern part of the province, 19~20 ℃ in other regions.

Recent weather in Nanjing: cloudy to overcast today, southeast wind is about level 4, 20 ℃ to 32 ℃; Tomorrow will be cloudy, with easterly wind of level 4, 21 ℃ to 32 ℃; The day after tomorrow is cloudy to cloudy, with scattered showers or thunderstorms, southeast wind of 4 to 5 degrees, 22 ℃ to 32 ℃ (Yu Dandan)

(Editor in charge: Zhang Xin, Zhang Yan)

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