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Nanjing 11000 old residential elevators will be assessed for safety

May 22, 2024 07:15 | Source: Yangzi Evening News
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On May 21, Nanjing held a press conference to report the implementation of residential elevator safety assessment and governance. The reporter learned from the interview that this year Nanjing will conduct a full coverage safety assessment on 11000 old residential elevators in the city.

By the end of 2023, the total number of elevators in Nanjing will reach 142085, including 8600 elevators for old residential buildings that have been used for more than 15 years. It is estimated that by the end of the 14th Five Year Plan period, the number of elevators will reach 15000, ranking first in Jiangsu and third in Yangtze River Delta cities (only less than Shanghai and Hangzhou).

In 2023, Nanjing will become a pilot city for Jiangsu's practical livelihood project of elevator safety assessment for old residential buildings. A total of 1045 elevators for old residential buildings will be assessed throughout the year, including 500 elevators in the security housing area and 83 elevators in the old residential area without maintenance funds before 2000. Up to now, 955 elevators have completed hidden trouble rectification, 91 of which have been renovated. The number of elevators evaluated and the completion rate of rectification are the best in the province. This year, Nanjing will continue to deepen the assessment and renovation of elevators in old residential buildings, continue to use the "pre diagnosis screening+comprehensive assessment" model, and do a solid job in the safety assessment of the city's 11000 elevators in old residential buildings. (Xue Ling)

(Editor in charge: Huang Zhuyan, Zhang Xin)

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