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Nanjing Gaochun issued the first comprehensive vegetation carbon sink value insurance policy in China

May 20, 2024 21:29 | Source: People's Daily Online - Jiangsu Channel
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 Signing ceremony site. Photographed by Kong Yuehui

Signing ceremony site. Photographed by Kong Yuehui

On May 20, the first vegetation comprehensive carbon sequestration value insurance in China landed in Gaochun District, Nanjing City, with an insurance coverage of more than 39000 mu, a premium of more than 30000 yuan, and a total insurance amount of 476900 yuan. The policy fee was paid in digital RMB.

According to Li Hai, member of the Party Committee and deputy general manager of PICC Nanjing Branch, unlike traditional forest insurance, which mainly protects physical assets such as trees, "comprehensive carbon sink value insurance of vegetation" focuses on the ability of vegetation to absorb and store carbon dioxide. During the agreed insurance period, the insured Fangqiqiao Street has forest land, wetland, farmland If the actual carbon sequestration calculated by remote sensing is lower than the agreed target carbon sequestration after soil and other ecological resources are damaged, compensation can be applied according to certain standards.

It is understood that Qiqiao Street has the first batch of provincial modern agricultural industry high-quality development demonstration parks, and the agricultural industry is relatively concentrated. "If the actual carbon sequestration is lower than the target value due to natural disasters and accidents in cultivated land and crops, compensation can be applied at the agreed price of 35 yuan per ton of carbon sequestration." Guan Jianping, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Qiqiao Street, said that the policy size covers all cultivated land, trees, etc. in the area under jurisdiction, and the insurance compensation will be used for the relief and ecological restoration of vegetation carbon sequestration resources.

The first county-level GEP accounting system in China was released, the first kilometer scale high-precision carbon source and sink assessment demonstration park in China was settled, the first carbon ticket in Jiangsu was successfully traded, and the first vegetation comprehensive carbon sink value insurance policy in China was issued... In recent years, Gaochun District has adhered to the "ecological zone", actively explored the value realization mechanism of ecological products, and continued to promote the research and application of GEP accounting system, It has successively won the national "two mountains" practice and innovation base, China's livable climate city and other titles, and its ecological brand has become increasingly prominent.

The relevant person in charge of Gaochun District Development and Reform Commission said that he would make greater efforts to explore a new path for the transformation of the "two mountains" theory, accelerate the transformation of environmental advantages to development advantages and competitive advantages, and explore paths and accumulate experience to better achieve the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality. (Yang Weiqiong and Kong Yangting)

(Editor in charge: Gong Shijun, Wu Jipan)

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