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109 primary medical institutions in Jiangsu launched free screening of Helicobacter pylori

07:16, May 16, 2024|
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May 15 is the International Day of Families and the annual "no seclusion day" for all. Yesterday morning, the grass-roots Helicobacter pylori (Hp) screening activity in Jiangsu Province was launched in Jiangsu Provincial People's Hospital (the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Jiangsu Maternal and Child Health Hospital). From now on, 109 primary medical institutions across the province have simultaneously launched free Helicobacter pylori screening.

Zhu Hong, vice president of Jiangsu Provincial People's Hospital, said that Helicobacter pylori is a common bacterium, which mainly parasitizes in the human stomach and is considered to be one of the main causes of gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. At the same time, it is also a Class I carcinogen officially certified by WHO and closely related to gastric cancer.

Zhang Guoxin, director of the Department of Gastroenterology of Jiangsu Provincial People's Hospital, told the reporter that Helicobacter pylori has a very obvious transmissibility. The main modes of transmission include mouth to mouth transmission and fecal to mouth transmission. Among them, transmission within the family is an important way for new infection and reinfection of Helicobacter pylori. If one or more family members are positive for Helicobacter pylori, other family members are likely to be infected. Our country is accustomed to the way of eating at the table, and the awareness of using male spoons and chopsticks is relatively weak, which provides conditions for the spread of Helicobacter pylori.

At the event site, representatives of 109 grass-roots health service centers in the province attended the launching ceremony and awarded the HP screening sites. Li Qingrong, president of Jiangsu Provincial Grass roots Health Association, said that the grass roots should become the "main battlefield" to eliminate Helicobacter pylori. At present, 109 grass-roots screening points have passed the qualification review and acceptance, which can provide standardized screening services for the people.

Ye Feng, deputy chief physician of the Department of Gastroenterology of Jiangsu Provincial People's Hospital, told the reporter that citizens who had not been checked or confirmed not to have been infected in the past could participate in the screening activities free of charge at 109 grass-roots Helicobacter pylori screening points in the province. With the technical support and assistance of Jiangsu Provincial People's Hospital, citizens can not only complete screening in community hospitals, but also complete treatment in community hospitals. From screening to radical cure, the whole process can be completed at the "gate of home". (Yang Yan)

List of 109 primary screening sites for Helicobacter pylori

Source: Xinhua Daily · Intersection

(Editor in charge: Huang Zhuyan, Zhang Xin)

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