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In 2023, the hot spot of consumer rights protection in Jiangsu released the first public opinion of "prefabricated dishes"

January 3, 2024 07:21 | Source: Nanjing Morning Post
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Photographed by Le Tao, reporter of Xinhua News Vision Center

On January 2, Jiangsu Consumer Protection Commission released the public opinion analysis on consumer complaints and consumer rights protection in 2023. "Constant disputes over the consumption of prefabricated dishes" ranked first in the public opinion of consumer rights protection, followed by cultural and entertainment consumption slots, followed by the frequent occurrence of new problems in online live broadcast sales, followed by minors' hidden worries about consumption, and seniors' poor sense of consumer security. In terms of consumer complaints, the Consumer Protection Commission of Jiangsu Province received 239670 complaints in 2023, a decrease of 39157 from 2022, a year-on-year decrease of 14.04%. It received 419100 visits and consultations from consumers, saving nearly 200 million yuan in economic losses for consumers.

Three problems of "prefabricated dishes" cause concern

Food is the most important thing for the people. As a "newcomer" in the catering industry, prefabricated dishes were frequently searched in the news last year, and there were endless disputes about them. The provincial consumer protection commission system received 150 complaints about the consumption of prefabricated vegetables last year; Public opinion data shows that 52645 pieces of public opinion information about complaints about prefabricated vegetable consumption throughout the year. There were 5018 peaks on September 18.

From the complaint content and public opinion monitoring, the related problems mainly focus on the following aspects: First, the prepared dishes are inconsistent with the publicity, taste bad and have food safety problems. As the prefabricated dishes have been processed and produced in advance, there are problems such as the inability to freely match the ingredients, heavy oil and salt in taste, which cannot meet the diversified needs of different consumers. At the same time, food hygiene cannot be guaranteed due to the lack of unified production standards in the prefabricated vegetable industry. Some consumers reported that the ingredients of the prepared dishes purchased by themselves were not fresh, deteriorated and corrupt. Second, offline restaurants did not inform in advance of the use of prefabricated dishes, and the protection of consumers' right to know was not in place. Prefabricated dishes generally flow to the takeaway industry. Now some of the hall restaurants use prefabricated dishes without informing consumers in advance. Some consumers think that compared with takeaway, the restaurant food still consumes more time, energy and money to eat the prepared dishes, which does not meet their expectations for dining out, and the merchants are suspected of violating their right to know. Third, the information on the labels of prefabricated dishes was incomplete, which caused consumer concern. The prepared dishes were originally made in places that consumers could not see, and the labels should be clear. However, some businesses did not specify the important information of the dishes in the package, such as the content of the dishes, the ingredients used, the production date, the quality guarantee date, the storage method, and the subsequent processing method. Some consumers reported that the prepared dishes purchased by themselves did not have the above important information, which was suspected to be "three no products", After eating, you cannot protect your health.

The provincial consumer protection commission said that the prefabricated vegetable industry has huge potential for development, so a large number of enterprises have poured into this field. However, due to the imperfect standard system and the disunity of industry market norms, the development of prefabricated dishes has been hindered, which also affects consumers' cognition, evaluation and selection of prefabricated dishes. The Jiangsu Provincial Consumer Protection Commission believes that prefabricated dishes are just the outlet of the catering industry. As a new service on the tip of the tongue, operators should operate in good faith. First, they should control the "safety" of prefabricated dishes, achieve health and hygiene, and ensure food safety. On this basis, they should enrich varieties and improve the taste and flavor of prefabricated dishes. The second is to do a good job in the standardization of product details and identification to ensure consumers' right to know. The third is to ensure commodity transportation conditions and improve distribution efficiency. Finally, it is also hoped that the relevant regulatory authorities will strengthen the supervision and management of the prefabricated vegetable market, so as to "escort" the vigorous development of prefabricated vegetables.

There are many cultural and entertainment consumption problems

In 2023, cultural and entertainment consumption will continue to rise, and the film screening and performance market will flourish, especially offline performances. At the same time, related complaints will increase. In 2023, the Consumer Protection Commission of Jiangsu Province will accept 1461 pieces of cultural and entertainment consumption; Public opinion data shows that 318826 pieces of public opinion information about consumption complaints in the performance market throughout the year. There were 7286 peaks on April 20.

From the perspective of complaints and public opinion monitoring, relevant complaints focus on the following aspects: First, it is difficult to buy and refund tickets for cultural and sports performances. When selling tickets for concerts, scalpers hoard and raise prices, making it difficult for consumers to buy tickets. In addition, sports tickets such as concerts are often pre-sale several months in advance. At the same time, because of its scarcity, timeliness and other characteristics, it often does not support consumers to return tickets due to misoperation and subsequent sudden changes, causing a series of contradictions and disputes, and "difficult to return tickets" rushed to the hot search. Second, booking tickets online makes it difficult to buy tickets offline. The number of visitors to popular scenic spots, museums and other cultural relics exhibition institutions is full, and online booking and ticket purchase system is implemented in some places, so offline ticket sources are insufficient and it is difficult to buy tickets. Some consumers came from other places without online booking, so they could not enter and visit. They made an empty trip, which greatly reduced their travel experience. Third, it is suspected of false propaganda, and the audience has a poor sense of experience. For example, the performers are suspected of lip synching, changing the performance content without authorization, and the singer's performance duration has shrunk to varying degrees compared with the announced performance process schedule, which is suspected of false publicity. At the same time, the sanitary conditions of some performance scenes are poor, the hardware facilities are aging, the scene is in disorder, and consumers have poor experience of watching performances.

The provincial consumer protection commission said that the current scalpers in the performance market are scalping performance tickets and driving up prices, which has become a serious problem in the industry. It is more difficult for consumers to buy and refund tickets; Some popular scenic spots are also unprepared by tourists from other places and the elderly, and their sense of consumption experience is reduced. Jiangsu Provincial Consumer Protection Commission believes that it still needs multi efforts and multi measures to fully tap the vitality of the cultural and entertainment market: for example, performance organizers should pay attention to the voice of consumers, balance the interests of multiple parties, explore and introduce more fair and reasonable ticket refund and change policies, and avoid "scalpers" hoarding tickets by limiting the number of tickets purchased, real name system and other means. Popular scenic spots should balance online and offline ticket sources, and reserve offline purchase channels for offline ticket purchase, so as to facilitate foreign and elderly tourists.

Prominent sales disputes in webcast

Nowadays, live streaming with goods is not a new topic. With the iterative upgrading of new technologies and applications of the Internet, it is no exaggeration that all people can live streaming with goods. In 2023, the Consumer Insurance Commission of Jiangsu Province will accept 3340 live online sales; Public opinion data shows that 240266 pieces of public opinion information about online live broadcast sales throughout the year. Among them, there was a peak of 5047 on March 16.

Judging from the complaint content and public opinion monitoring, there are the following aspects about the online live broadcast sales: First, improper marketing and serious publicity. Some businesses hide important information of goods, including material, specification, quantity and other transaction information in addition to displaying price; They misled the price and promised that the price of the live broadcast room was the lowest, but the reality was not so. Consumers still bought expensive goods in the live broadcast room. Second, the quality is difficult to guarantee and after-sales service is poor. Some businesses use the lights of the live broadcast room to over beautify their goods, which are inconsistent with the publicity and the goods are not the right ones; There are problems such as selling fake products as genuine products, food that has expired and deteriorated, and poor quality products that cannot be used; Third, the merchants refused to return or replace goods and delayed after-sales service. Some merchants had poor after-sales service attitude, even induced consumers to leave the platform for private transactions, and finally blackmailed consumers, refused to return money, resulting in the loss of both consumers' property.

The Provincial Consumer Protection Commission said that as a new e-commerce business, live streaming sales have been integrated into people's daily life, and the protection of consumer rights in e-commerce is an important part of consumer protection. In the e-commerce live broadcast system, besides consumers, there are other subjects such as platform providers, business operators and online live broadcast personnel service organizations. The participation of multiple subjects has led to frequent problems such as lack of responsibility, poor content, and chaotic marketing methods, which not only affects the development of e-commerce live broadcast sales industry, but also dampens consumer confidence. We believe that as an "intermediate station", the e-commerce live broadcast platform should establish and improve various mechanisms such as content review, anchor management, marketing rule formulation, complaints and reports, actively assist consumers to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests, and provide necessary evidence and other support.

Concerns about the diversity of minors' consumption types

In recent years, there have been a variety of consumer products for minors, and online entertainment consumption disputes have gradually increased. The provincial consumer protection commission system received 1660 complaints about minors' consumption last year; Public opinion data shows that there are 121381 pieces of public opinion information about minors' consumer complaints. There were 3126 peaks on May 10.

According to the comprehensive complaint content and public opinion monitoring, the problems about minors' consumption mainly focus on the following aspects: First, the variety of blind boxes, toys and other products has caused parents' concern. For example, the previously popular blind box and the recently popular "radish knife" and "fake water" and other toys have attracted children to follow suit. The above products may promote the mentality of comparison, or imply violence, and have potential safety and health hazards, which not only adversely affect children, but also worry parents. Second, online game recharge problems occur frequently. Online game recharging has always been a disaster area for minors to complain about their consumption. Some minors are addicted to games. Because their minds are not fully developed and they are induced or touched by advertisements, they often recharge for many times and in large amounts. After the event, it is difficult for parents to provide evidence, and it is difficult to refund successfully. Therefore, consumption disputes arise. The third is the focus of online live broadcast rewards. In recent two years, with the rise of short video platform, minors are also one of its audiences. Some live broadcasting rooms are full of game advertisements, false propaganda and even vulgar pornographic content, in order to entice minors to pay large live rewards. Minors not only suffer physical and mental health, but also bring economic losses to their families.

The Provincial Consumer Protection Commission said that there has been a trend of frequent and gradual spread of minors' consumption disputes to the Internet in recent years. The virtual and uncertain nature of the Internet makes online consumption disputes complicated and difficult. Minors are addicted to the Internet. Recharging online games and giving live rewards have always been a problem that troubles parents and society. When dealing with minors' consumption disputes, relevant law enforcement departments should also adhere to the principle of special and priority protection for minors, and fully protect the rights and interests of minors.

There are certain obstacles to the rise of consumption of the elderly

At present, the elderly group has obviously become a "new force" of consumption, driving the rapid growth of the "silver economy". The provincial consumer protection commission system received 668 complaints about consumption of the elderly last year; Public opinion data shows 193840 pieces of public opinion information about the elderly's consumer complaints. There were 3425 peaks on March 16.

According to the comprehensive complaint content and public opinion monitoring, the consumption of the elderly mainly focuses on the following aspects: First, the consumption of health care products is prominent. Some health care products are suspected of false propaganda, packaging flour and other ingredients with no practical effect as "magic medicine"; Some illegal businesses even add illegal drugs to health care products, causing harm to consumers' health; Some salesmen sell by telephone and door-to-door sales, promising guaranteed refunds for dissatisfaction. In fact, consumers often have no way to return goods, which is difficult for after-sales rights protection. The second is the frequent occurrence of online consumption problems. Online consumption is also gradually popular among the elderly, and some APP operators are not well suited to aging, which hinders the smooth consumption of the elderly; Businesses are suspected of false propaganda, take advantage of the cognitive degradation of the elderly, poor identification ability, and sell fake and inferior products; The development of some new products lacks correct value orientation, inducing recharge, and there is no way for elderly consumers to protect their rights. Third, consumer complaints of smart products are high. The consumption of intelligent products of the elderly mainly focuses on household appliances, digital products, etc. The quality of some smart home appliances is uneven, with potential safety hazards; Smart appliances are not "smart", the industry lacks unified standards, and they cannot be interconnected with each other, and the elderly cannot use them smoothly; The after-sales service cycle is long, the maintenance personnel are not skilled, and the price is high, so consumers are confronted with "maintenance assassins". (Jin Lei)

(Editor in charge: Huang Zhuyan, Wu Jipan)

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