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Doing practical things | potholes on the road surface, illegal road occupation, dead end roads... The travel problems of residents in many places in Jiangsu have been solved

Zhou Mengjiao
March 17, 2023 09:43 | Source: People's Daily Online - Jiangsu Channel
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 Screenshot of netizens' messages on the "Leaders' Message Board" of People's Daily Online

Screenshot of netizens' messages on the "Leaders' Message Board" of People's Daily Online

"The road near No. 95-98 in our community has been in disrepair for a long time, and several pits of different sizes have formed, making it easy for old people and children to fall down when passing by." Recently, Mr. Ren, a resident of Ye'anli, Liangxi District, Wuxi, left a message on the "Leaders' Message Board" of People's Daily Online for help. Recently, residents in many places in Jiangsu Province reported on the "Leaders' Message Board" of People's Daily Online that the road is uneven, the road is occupied by illegal stops, and the dead end road and other problems affecting travel have been solved by local responses.

In response to the problems reflected by Mr. Ren, the Zhanjiang Sub district Office in Liangxi District, Wuxi replied on March 7 that the community had been notified to contact the property company, organize people to fill in the potholes on the road surface, install street lights and monitor at the same time, and solve the lighting and safety problems.

 Screenshot of netizens' messages on the "Leaders' Message Board" of People's Daily Online

Screenshot of netizens' messages on the "Leaders' Message Board" of People's Daily Online

"There is a breakfast bus near the bus station in Mojiazhuang. In order to buy breakfast, many motor vehicle owners will park in the non motor vehicle lane, and the electric vehicle driving behind is easy to hit, which will also lead to traffic congestion." On February 22, Ms. Wang of Liangxi District also left a message on the "Leaders' Message Board" of People's Daily Online. Five days later, the Mojiazhuang community replied that it had coordinated the breakfast car to change its location to the corner of the Xihu market ahead, eliminating potential safety hazards.

 Screenshot of netizens' messages on the "Leaders' Message Board" of People's Daily Online

Screenshot of netizens' messages on the "Leaders' Message Board" of People's Daily Online

On February 17, Ms. Zhang, a resident of Kunshan, Suzhou, also left a message to reflect the travel problem. She said that there was a path in front of Xiajiahe Primary School at the junction of the park footpath and the sidewalk, which was the only way for children to go to school. There was a 2-meter dirt road, which became muddy every time it rained. Three days after leaving the message, Kunshan Comprehensive Command Center for Modernization of Social Governance replied that the municipal maintenance unit had been arranged to receive the message. On March 14, Ms. Zhang said to People's Daily Online that "this section of dirt road has now been repaired".

 Screenshot of netizens' messages on the "Leaders' Message Board" of People's Daily Online

Screenshot of netizens' messages on the "Leaders' Message Board" of People's Daily Online

Duantou Road is also a common problem for residents to travel. On February 24, Mr. Zhou from Yuhuatai District, Nanjing left a message saying that after coming out of the Andemen subway station and passing through Andemen Street, there is a road passing through the Confucius Temple that can connect Huawei Road. For several years, this section of the road has not been opened up, and pedestrians around can only detour several hundred meters through Xujia'ao Road to Huawei Road.

After receiving the message, the Planning and Construction Department of Nanjing Software Valley Management Committee said that in October 2020, the construction of the second phase of Huawei Road North Extension Project was started, but it stopped due to demolition, and the local government optimized and adjusted the red line. In May 2022, the project will restart construction. At present, the project has completed the underground work of high-voltage poles, and is carrying out the construction of road structure layer and pipeline embedding. It is expected that Huawei Road (from the end of Phase I of Huawei Road to Zijinghua Road) will be open to traffic in June this year, and the project will be completed and open to traffic in September.

(Editor in charge: Li Jingye, Tang Lulu)

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