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Xin Changxing visited the People's Daily Jiangsu Branch and other news organizations for research

22:14, January 31, 2023|
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On the morning of January 31, Xin Changxing, the secretary of the provincial Party committee, visited the central news unit in the Soviet Union and the major provincial news units for research, visited and comforted the journalists, and hoped that everyone would adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, faithfully perform the party's responsibility and mission of news and public opinion, and thoroughly report on the province's top and bottom to remember the instructions We are grateful for the vivid practice and latest achievements of forging ahead, tell the Chinese story in Jiangsu with heart and emotion, carry forward the theme, create a good atmosphere, and gather strong positive energy for "carrying a new mission and writing a new chapter".

At the People's Daily Jiangsu Branch, Xinhua News Agency Jiangsu Branch, Central Radio and Television Station Jiangsu Branch, and Economic Daily Jiangsu Journalist Station, Xin Changxing had in-depth understanding of major theme publicity reports, new media technology application scenarios, think tank construction, online mass message collection and response, and had in-depth exchanges with editors and reporters, We sincerely thank the central media for their long-term concern and support for Jiangsu's development. He said that the central media shoulder a special and important political responsibility. They have high standing, deep thinking, wide vision, and warm eyes. They connect with China and foreign countries, focus on Jiangsu, go deep into the grass-roots level, go deep into the front line, widely publicize the Party's ideas, actively reflect the voice of the masses, collect, write, broadcast a large number of vivid, dynamic news reports, and launch many meaningful Valuable and meaningful think tank achievements are witnesses, recorders, participants and promoters of Jiangsu's development. Xin Changxing pointed out that on the new journey of modernization, the whole province is transforming the care and love of General Secretary Xi Jinping into a strong driving force for thanksgiving and striving to deliver new answers that will reassure the General Secretary and the Party Central Committee and satisfy the people. It is hoped that the central media will give full play to its advantages, continue to pay attention to, support and publicize Jiangsu, and better demonstrate the vivid practice of "taking the lead, picking the beam and making more contributions" in Jiangsu. The provincial party committee and the provincial government will fully support the work of the central news units in the Soviet Union, create conditions for everyone and provide good services.

 Xin Changxing Visits Jiangsu Branch of People's Daily

Xin Changxing Visits Jiangsu Branch of People's Daily

At Xinhua Newspaper Media Group and the provincial radio and television headquarters, Xinchangxing went into the all media command center, studio, etc., to learn more about news publicity, career development, etc., and to discuss and communicate with everyone around enhancing the pertinence and effectiveness of news communication. After fully affirming the achievements, Xin Changxing pointed out that the Party's news and public opinion work is an important work of the Party. The provincial news units should adhere to the correct political direction, innovate the reporting concept and method, deeply practice the "four forces", grasp the timeliness and efficiency, deeply promote the integrated development, improve the international communication efficiency, and strengthen the talent team construction, Constantly improve the dissemination, guidance, influence and credibility of news and public opinion, better record the new era, write a new journey, and eulogize new struggles. At Xinhua Newspaper Media Group, Xinchangxing hopes that everyone will continue to maintain the red blood, adhere to integrity and innovation, maintain the spirit of standing up to the forefront, and aspire to first-class pursuit, enhance the core competitiveness of the whole media era, so that the party's voice can be spread more widely and deeply, and continue to walk in the forefront of provincial party newspapers. At the provincial radio and television station, Xinchangxing encouraged everyone to remember their responsibilities and missions, adhere to their original nature, enable new development with digitalization, expand new space with new ideas, and strive to create a new mainstream media with strong influence and competitiveness.

Zhang Aijun, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and head of the Publicity Department of the Provincial Party Committee, and Chu Yonghong, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and secretary-general of the Provincial Party Committee, attended the event.

Source: Xinhua Daily

(Editor in charge: Wang Dandan, Zhang Yufeng)

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