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Wu Zhenglong: Try his best to help medical workers solve practical difficulties

August 20, 2021 07:21 | Source: Xinhua Daily
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Original title: National Yangzhou Epidemic Prevention and Control Dispatching Meeting and Yangzhou Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters Meeting

News from our newspaper (reporter Wang Tuo and Huang Wei) On the evening of August 19, the national, provincial and Yangzhou epidemic prevention and control scheduling meeting and Yangzhou epidemic prevention and control headquarters meeting were held. Governor Wu Zhenglong attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Zhang Jinghua, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, made the deployment. Lei Haichao, the leader of the Jiangsu Working Group of the Comprehensive Group of the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council, the deputy director of the National Health Commission, Shen Hongbing, the deputy director of the National Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention, and other experts in the working group put forward guidance on the work of epidemic prevention and control.

Wu Zhenglong pointed out that today is the fourth Chinese Doctor's Day. The establishment of the Chinese Medical Doctor's Day fully reflects the care and concern of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core for the majority of medical workers, and reflects the value concept of people first and life first. Since the outbreak of the epidemic in our province, the majority of medical workers have moved at the news of the order and are retrograde in white clothes. They respect and bless lives, heal the wounded and rescue the dying, and fight hard at the front line day and night, making outstanding contributions to the fight against the epidemic. All departments at all levels should thoroughly implement the important directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping, earnestly implement the deployment of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, try their best to help medical workers solve practical difficulties, and earnestly send the warmth of the party and government to the most lovely people in the new era. At present, under the careful guidance of the national working group, with the full support of the whole province, and through the hard work of the people of Yangzhou, the epidemic prevention and control has made important positive changes. At the same time, we should also be aware that the risk of large-scale spread of the epidemic is decreasing, but it has not been eradicated. The risk of sporadic transmission still exists, and there is still uncertainty in the prevention and control of the epidemic. We must remain vigilant, resolutely overcome the idea of paralysis and laxity, tighten our strings and focus our efforts on social and community control, nucleic acid testing and screening, flow regulation and tracing, centralized isolation, isolation point management, medical treatment and hospital infection prevention and control, environmental killing and remediation, supply and price assurance, publicity and guidance, and resolutely win the war of epidemic prevention, control and eradication in Yangzhou, No success is easy without a complete victory. We should spare no effort to protect the people's livelihood and solve their worries, organize more forces to sink into the community, sincerely and wholeheartedly serve the masses, and effectively solve the "urgent needs" and personalized needs of the masses. We should make every effort to implement and supervise the rectification, and promote the prevention and control work to achieve new results in the process of constantly finding and solving problems. It is necessary to learn from the lessons, reflect comprehensively and profoundly, make every effort to grasp the weak points, remedy the weak points, close the loopholes, and weave a tight epidemic prevention and control network.

In the morning of the same day, Wu Zhenglong came to the clinic and central hospital of Shenjushan Village, Songqiao Town, Gaoyou City to check and guide the epidemic prevention and control work. What should we do when encountering fever patients, what are the general symptoms of COVID-19 patients, have you participated in the "five guarantees and one" recently, and what are the requirements for personal protection when visiting? At the Shenjushan village clinic, Wu Zhenglong had in-depth exchanges with the village doctors, sent holiday congratulations and sincere condolences to the rural medical workers, and learned about the prevention and control situation in detail. He said that rural areas are an important line of defense for epidemic prevention and control, but also a weak link. It is hoped that everyone will be more sensitive, find and report early, and deal with emergencies in a timely manner. At the same time, we should strengthen our own protection, and be a good "health guardian" for rural residents. At the Central Health Center of Songqiao Town, Wu Zhenglong learned about hospital infection prevention and control, fever clinic management, nucleic acid detection, closed-loop management of key medical personnel, etc. He pointed out that health centers should play the role of "sentinel", implement the responsibility system for the first diagnosis, and implement the "four early" requirements. Wu Zhenglong told the comrades in charge at the grass-roots level that the big hole at the tip of a needle could leak through the big wind. Songqiao Town is close to Hanjiang District, and we should build a tight line of defense against the introduction of the epidemic. At noon that day, Wu Zhenglong came to Fangxiang Town, Hanjiang District to check the control of key areas and the transfer of key personnel. He stressed that the situation in rural areas is complex, and the scope must be broadened, centralized isolation, isolation should be determined and fast, and environmental disinfection should be of high standard and quality. We should give full play to the role of loudspeakers, mobilize and rely on the masses to prevent and control the epidemic in rural areas.

Vice governors Liu Yang and Chen Xingying, as well as leaders of Yangzhou City and its counties (cities and districts) attended the relevant meetings.

(Editor in charge: Xiao Xiao, Tang Lulu)

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