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Be the "cradle" of original technology (observed by commentators)

Li Zheng
June 13, 2024 08:49 | Source: People's Daily
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Only by accelerating its growth to become an organizer of original innovation, a provider of core technology, and a pioneer of market application can central enterprises assume greater responsibility and play a greater role in consolidating the economic foundation of major countries, serving to build a new development pattern

Only by continuously improving the innovation system, enhancing the innovation ability, and letting all the vitality of innovation and creation burst out and flow fully, can we promote central enterprises to produce more original technologies and major achievements


Not long ago, the 504 bit superconducting quantum computing chip "Xiaohong" was delivered, breaking the domestic record of the number of superconducting quantum bits, and its key indicators of quantum bits are expected to reach the chip performance of the international mainstream quantum computing cloud platform. In the field of quantum computing, the "Tianyan" quantum computing cloud platform launched by China Telecom Quantum Group has realized the deep integration of supercomputing capabilities and 176 qubit superconducting quantum computing capabilities. In the future, "Xiaohong" chip plans to open to the world through the "Tianyan" quantum computing cloud platform. One is a chip from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the other is a platform for state-owned central enterprises to unite with each other to tackle key problems in the field of quantum information, demonstrating a strong potential to create a source of original technology.

General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "state-owned enterprises such as central enterprises should shoulder the heavy burden, take the lead, and be the 'source' of original technology and the 'chain leader' of modern industrial chain." Not long ago, the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council carried out the layout and construction of the second batch of original technology sources for central enterprises, in 36 fields such as quantum information, brain like intelligence, and biological manufacturing, Support 40 central enterprises to arrange 52 original technology sources. Through two batches of layout, we have set up a clear direction for central enterprises to undertake the mission of scientific and technological innovation, which will guide central enterprises to take a quasi strategic direction, shoulder their responsibilities, make more original achievements in cutting-edge technology and disruptive technology, help achieve self-reliance and self-reliance in high-level science and technology, and accelerate the development of new quality productivity.

Scientific and technological innovation is the "number one task" of high-quality development of state-owned enterprises such as central enterprises during the "14th Five Year Plan" period. State owned enterprises are mainly concentrated in important industries and key fields related to the national economy and the people's livelihood. It is incumbent on them to vigorously promote the key core technologies, common technologies, and cutting-edge technologies to tackle key problems, and to research, develop, and master more important national tools around the major strategic tasks related to national security, industry core competitiveness, and people's livelihood improvement. Relying on the strong ecological advantages of the industrial chain and the profound accumulation of scientific and technological research and development, and accelerating its growth into an organizer of original innovation, a provider of core technology, and a pioneer of market application, central enterprises are likely to assume greater responsibility and play a greater role in consolidating the economic foundation of large countries and serving to build a new development pattern.

Since the new era, from domestic large aircraft, domestic aircraft carriers and other major powers, to 5G applications, clean energy and other global leaders, to Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge, "Hualong No.1" nuclear power unit and other landmark achievements, a number of major scientific and technological achievements have been backed by central enterprises. An in-depth analysis of a "sparrow" can reveal the unique advantages of central enterprises in achieving scientific and technological innovation. The shield machine, known as the "king of construction machinery", was once monopolized by foreign countries and sold at a high price. In 2001, the country included the development of shield machines in the "863 Plan", starting the journey of independent research. In 2008, China Railway No.1, the first shield machine with independent intellectual property rights in China, came off the production line. Today, seven out of every ten shield machines in the world come from China... The independent innovation process of China's shield machines from scratch, from existence to excellence, has the institutional advantages of a new national system, industrial advantages with rich application scenarios, and collaborative advantages of combining industry, university and research. By giving full play to these advantages, central enterprises are fully qualified and able to take the lead in original innovation and become the source of original technology.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "scientific and technological innovation and institutional innovation should work together, and the two wheels should rotate together." Only by constantly improving the governance level of central enterprises through institutional innovation can we maximize the vitality of scientific and technological innovation. For example, innovate the incentive mechanism to stimulate the innovation initiative of scientific researchers. CRCC and Dongfang Electric explore the system of "unveiling the list and taking the lead" to precisely motivate employees to participate in major scientific and technological breakthroughs. For example, optimize the innovation ecology and form collaborative innovation forces. China Southern Power Grid has cooperated with several central enterprises to form a new energy storage central enterprise innovation consortium, and jointly built a joint research institute with Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao universities to form an innovative ecological "circle of friends" connected with industry, education and research. For example, we will promote the transformation of achievements and open up the "last mile" of scientific and technological innovation. CNNC established a scientific and technological achievements transformation center, improved the achievements transformation guarantee system, and completed the transformation contract revenue of 1.44 billion yuan in 2023, 1.6 times that of 2022. Practice tells us that only by continuously improving the innovation system, enhancing the innovation ability, and letting all the vitality of innovation and creation burst out and flow fully, can we promote central enterprises to produce more original technologies and major achievements.

Scientific and technological innovation is a key variable that affects national competitiveness and world development pattern. At present, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial reform is advancing in depth, providing an important opportunity for China to promote high-quality development with new quality productivity. Central enterprises are the mainstay of the national economy. Let the pillars of major countries build more important tools and master more original technologies, which will surely lead China's economic development to a higher level.

People's Daily (June 13, 2024, 5th Edition)

(Editor in charge: Ma Junhua, Xie Long)

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