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Nine departments issued documents to promote the implementation of the action of promoting agriculture through domestic economy

June 12, 2024 08:42 | Source: People's Daily
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Beijing, June 11 (Reporter Wang Ke) Recently, the Ministry of Commerce and other nine departments jointly issued the 2024 Action Plan for Promoting Agriculture through Home Economics, proposing 25 specific measures.

Promote the connection between supply and demand. Carry out life service recruitment season and skill upgrading activities for domestic service attendants; Continue to carry out the docking of domestic labor services, carry out order based training for the employment needs of domestic enterprises, and improve the management level of domestic labor export.

Strengthen brand cultivation. Cultivate the characteristic labor service brand of household economics and agriculture, improve the level of organization, standardization and scale, and increase the income of employees engaged in household services.

Increase assistance. Help the poverty alleviation population to find employment through the domestic service brand, and continue to provide one-time transportation subsidies to the poverty alleviation population engaged in domestic service industry across provinces. Guide insurance institutions to actively carry out domestic service related insurance business, improve the scope of protection liability, and meet the risk protection needs of domestic enterprises, service personnel, and consumers.

Improve support policies. Guide the local government to include qualified domestic service staff into the public rental housing and affordable rental housing security. Fully implement the residence permit system, and promote the integration of domestic workers into the society where they are employed.

Optimize the development environment. We will accelerate the construction of the household service credit system, promote the credit rating and coding of household service attendants, explore and implement the electronic version of the "Home Visit Service Card", and create a comfortable consumption environment.

People's Daily (June 12, 2024, Version 07)

(Editor in charge: Guan Sicong, Xie Long)

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