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Select the right famous and excellent products to break out of the big market (on-site comments)

——Establish and practice the concept of big food ③

Liu Xiaoyu
09:41, May 23, 2024 | Source: People's Daily
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Cultivate characteristic industries with advantages according to local conditions, and adhere to the market leading integrated development of production, supply and marketing


Fresh stewed tremella soup, freeze-dried tremella, tremella cake... In the "Shifangtian" agricultural product exhibition center in Gutian County, Ningde City, Fujian Province, more than 20 tremella products are an eye opener. Local leading cadres incarnated as "tremella promoters" and told the story of "tremella into food": "Previously, they sold by catties, but now they sell by pieces, and the value has increased more than ten times!"

Gutian, with good physical and geographical conditions, has explored new possibilities of food from small mushrooms since the 1990s, and has gradually become an important commercial production base of edible fungi in China. In recent years, Gutian has actively developed new products, worked hard in the circulation and marketing of edible fungi, created county public platforms, docked with e-commerce platforms, and helped develop small tremella into a large industry.

To practice the concept of big food, we need to look at food outside the food market and look at industry based on the market. Fujian has a good condition and foundation to ask for food from mountains and forests and vigorously promote the transformation of modern agriculture. To develop modern agriculture and make diversified food marketable and popular, it is necessary to select local famous and special products, find out the market demand, and promote high-quality development of related products and industries along the market-oriented track.

Keep good quality and hold the lifeline of industrial development. In Gutian, a golden "golden ear" is deeply loved by consumers. Through scientific research and development, this new variety not only tastes like fresh fish when it is cut and placed on the plate, but also has higher nutritional value than ordinary black fungus and white fungus. Empowering agricultural products with modern technology is conducive to ensuring quality, enriching types and taste, and helping mushrooms sell well. Only by adhering to high standards and high quality, and innovating on the basis of strict quality control, can famous, excellent and special products move towards a broader agricultural market.

Integrate resources and guide the industrial chain to work together. Today, "visiting Cuiping Lake, tasting a whole mushroom feast, experiencing a handful of mushrooms, and taking a box of by-products" has become a "card punching package" for tourists to visit Gutian. This is due to the strengthening of the local edible fungus industry chain, the implementation of standardized production of edible fungi, breeding of improved varieties, scientific research innovation, industrial services, brand culture promotion and other upgrading projects, and the integration of "one mushroom" into all aspects of the first, second and third industries. With a strong industrial chain, there is great potential for industrial development. Only by extending the industrial chain, promoting the integration of three industries, striving to improve the added value of agricultural products, and promoting the transformation of business philosophy and mode, can we do a good job in industries with distinctive advantages and better release the momentum of development.

Explore ways to build a new agricultural production system and management system. To break into the market, farmers can not rely on "fighting alone". In Lidun Town, Zhouning County, Ningde City, Ye Xiaohua, 52, has two identities: he is not only a contractor of 30 mu of forest land, but also an employee of a biotechnology company. He invested in forest land with salary, dividend and low risk. Zhouning County has promoted large-scale planting of enterprises and developed more than 40 Chinese herbal medicine enterprises (cooperatives) with an annual output value of more than 35 million yuan. Looking at Fujian, the whole province is promoting the combination of "forest, tea, fruit and medicine", strengthening the interest linkage mechanism, relying on leading enterprises and professional large households, to build a forest food and forest economic industrial chain with "traceable bases and marketable products". Facing the future, we can further enhance the stability and sustainability of agricultural production by promoting the appropriate scale operation of agriculture, cultivating farmers' professional cooperatives, agricultural enterprises and other new agricultural business entities, and driving farmers to work together.

Walking in Banzhong Village, Jixiang Township, Gutian County, only one truck came in and out, transporting deep processed products such as tremella soup to Fuzhou, Xiamen and other places. Peng Rensheng, a mushroom farmer, said with a smile, "When mountain products are sold far away, mushroom farmers are sweet in their hearts." Cultivating characteristic industries with advantages in line with local conditions and adhering to the integrated development of production, supply and marketing led by the market will certainly enrich the supply of high-quality agricultural products and increase farmers' income.

(The author is a reporter from Fujian Branch of our newspaper)

People's Daily (May 23, 2024, 5th Edition)

(Editor in charge: Wang Diyuan, Xie Long)

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